Magnora Fast Tracks 500 MW Swedish Offshore Wind Project

Licensing Process Initiated for Swedish 500 MW OWF

Wind Farm Update

Kustvind AB has initiated the licensing process for a 500 MW offshore wind farm proposed to be built in southern Sweden.

Siemens Gamesa/Illustration

The Kustvind wind farm, also known as Sydkustens Vind, is located approximately eight kilometres offshore the southern coast of Sweden. The project is expected to have a production capacity of two TWh annually and could potentially serve 250,000 homes with electricity.

According to Magnora, which has now increased its ownership in Kustvind AB, a few environmental surveys, such as mapping of cranes and bats, have already been carried out, with the final analysis of the survey results now ongoing.

Analyses to prepare the connection to the regional and national grids have also been performed, and consultation process with national and regional authorities, and relevant municipalities and the public has started.

The Norwegian wind developer and Kustvind AB decided to accelerate growth plans and the development of the 500 MW project in July 2020, when they announced that the shallow water project entered development phase, with site investigations about to commence.

Magnora bought into Kustvind earlier that year, saying it would gradually increase its ownership in the company to up to 50 percent based on a detailed milestone plan.

The company has now increased its ownership in Kustvind to 24 per cent.