FLOTANT project

Concrete-Plastic Floating Offshore Wind Platform Moves Step Closer to Reality


Innosea has announced that its engineering and consulting scope of work on the FLOTANT project has been completed.


The project, funded by the European Horizon 2020 Research programme, aims to develop optimised mooring, anchoring, and subsea interconnection arrangement for floating offshore wind turbines.

Innosea has completed engineering deliveries within three areas including hydrodynamic assessment and dynamic cable configuration determination and optimisation to develop a lightweight and high-performance dynamic cable.

Other scopes of work also involved stability analysis and wave-structure interaction analysis to develop a new solution for offshore floating substructure as well as coupled simulations and global performance assessment of the integrated FLOTANT solution.

Under the project, the team has developed a concept design and basic engineering for a hybrid concrete-plastic floating wind farm platform.

The FLOTANT project also included a global performance assessment of the new concept, with the goal to find a cost-effective solution for floating wind installations in water depths of between 100 and 600 metres.

The FLOTANT project started in 2019 and is due for completion in spring 2022.

The project’s results will be presented at the upcoming Wind Europe Exhibition in Bilbao, Spain.

Several tests were conducted under the FLOTANT project last year.

The consortium behind the project completed the validation of a dynamic cable concept for deepwater floating wind projects in September 2021.

The testing and validation of mooring and dynamic cables was conducted by Innosea at the Dynamic Marine Component (DMaC) of the University of Exeter in the UK.

In July 2021, the consortium completed another validation model test for the project’s low-cost floating wind technology for 10+ MW wind turbines in the offshore basin of the Dutch MARIN research institute.

The tests simulated waves of over 15 metres and winds of up to 27 metres per second, which simulated the extreme weather conditions of the two sites selected to house the FLOTANT technology: the South Coast of Gran Canaria in Spain and West of Barra in Scotland.

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