Tahkoluoto, Finland's first commercial offshore wind farm.

Finnish Offshore Wind Extension Project Reaches Next Development Stage

Wind Farm Update

Suomen Hyötytuuli’s offshore wind farm extension project at Tahkoluoto, Pori on the west coast of Finland is proceeding to the permitting phase after the project’s land use plan was approved.

Illustration; Tahkoluoto, Finland's first commercial offshore wind farm. Source: Suomen Hyötytuuli Oy

The project could have a capacity of over 600 MW and is an extension to Finland’s first offshore wind farm, the 44.3 MW Tahkoluoto.

Piloted in 2010 and fully operational since 2017, Tahkoluoto is also the world’s first offshore wind farm in frozen sea conditions.

The recently approved land use plan of the extension project allows for the installation of forty wind turbines with an individual capacity of over 15 MW northeast of the current wind farm.

The estimated completion date of the extension project is 2027, and the annual production is expected to be 2,000 gigawatt hours.

The offshore wind farm covers 128 square kilometres and is located near Pori, on the west coast of Finland, 4–22 kilometres offshore.

The environmental impact assessment was carried out during 2020–2021. After approval of the land use plan, the project continues with water and building permitting, technical design, and the preparations for an investment decision.

”The Tahkoluoto Extension project is a significant step in Suomen Hyötytuuli’s offshore wind power development towards market-based and sustainable energy production. We consider this to be the kick-off for offshore wind power business in Finland,” Toni Sulameri, Managing Director of Suomen Hyötytuuli, said.

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