Vos Prodect Cable Hang-Offs for Danish Offshore Wind Farms

Vattenfall Takes Full Ownership of Two Open Door Wind Projects Offshore Denmark

Wind Farm Update

Vattenfall AB has acquired 765 MW of offshore wind projects that Green Nest Partner and Peak Wind applied for last year under Denmark’s open door scheme.

Image for illustrative purposes only. Source: Vattenfall

The larger of the two new projects is located around five kilometres from Hanstholm and has an expected capacity of 450 MW while the other project is located approximately eight kilometres from the coast at Djursland and is planned to have an installed capacity of 315 MW.

Green Nest Partner and Peak Wind have developed the two wind farms in a joint venture called Anker Development.

The agreement, which transfers ownership of both projects 100 per cent to Vattenfall, was concluded on 31 March. However, Green Nest Partner and Peak Wind will continue to develop the wind farms, but now in collaboration with Vattenfall.

The offshore wind projects can be built well before 2030, but this requires that the Danish authorities resume proceedings and that the necessary permits are received, said Vattenfall.

The Åben Dør projects will add to Vattenfall’s Denmark offshore wind portfolio along the Jutland coast where the company is currently constructing the Vesterhav Syd and Nord offshore wind farms which will have a total capacity of 344 MW and are expected to be connected to the national grid by the end of the year.

In February, Denmark decided to suspend the processing of offshore wind farm projects and other renewable energy projects under the open door scheme saying that permits under the procedure could be in breach of EU law.

“Vattenfall brings all the skills and experience needed to realize the two projects. This is especially needed in the construction phase, but also in relation to dealing with the current uncertainties regarding the future of the Open Door scheme”, said Marie Bugge Severinsen, Managing Director of Green Nest Partner.

Since then, the government unsuspended several offshore wind projects including Frederikshavn and Nordre Flint.


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