Eolus Vind Najaderna offshore wind project

Eolus Pushes Ahead with 1+ GW Offshore Wind Project in Sweden

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Swedish company Eolus Vind has submitted an application for the Najaderna offshore wind project outside Tierp, Sweden with a planned capacity of 1 GW-1.7 GW.

The fixed-bottom Najaderna offshore wind project is located approximately 17 kilometres off the coast within Tierp municipality in Uppsala County and extends into Sweden’s economic zone.

Since the site is in territorial waters and Sweden’s economic zone, the permit application has been submitted to both the Land and Environment Court and the Swedish Government.

The permit application, including an environmental impact assessment, will be sent out for consultation to the relevant stakeholders before a decision is made on the permit, said Eolus.

“Najaderna is an important project in a region with significant investments, and the location has been carefully selected to allow the wind project to coexist with other interests without compromising the sensitive marine environment,” said Anna Lundsgård, Head of Offshore at Eolus.

“The water depth allows us to build closer to land with existing technology, keeping costs down as the electricity does not need to be transported such long distances. This lowers the electricity price for individuals and businesses, and we can create jobs for the region.”

The Najaderna offshore wind project comprises up to 67 wind turbines with an estimated annual electricity production of 4 TWh-5 TWh.

The project could be completed by the beginning of the 2030s and generate money to the local community through the distribution of a portion of the revenue from electricity production.

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Depending on the size of the project and future electricity prices, this could amount to SEK 7 million (EUR 627,287) annually for associations and activities.

”Östra Mellansverige accounts for one-third of Sweden’s electricity consumption. Najaderna would provide an annual addition of up to 5 TWh of fossil-free electricity directly to industries undergoing transformation and new industries such as hydrogen production and manufacturing,” said Per Witalisson, CEO of Eolus.

“The Governor of Gävleborg County recently expressed that thousands of jobs have been lost due to insufficient investments in the electricity grid and new electricity production. Here we have a very good opportunity to contribute to changing the situation.”

In 2023, Eolus applied for permits for three offshore wind power projects: Västvind in Kattegatt outside Gothenburg, Arkona off the southern coast of Sweden, and Najaderna in the Bothnian Sea outside Tierp.


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