BlueFloat Energy Orsted Renantis

BlueFloat, Renantis File EIA for Italian Floating Offshore Wind Farm

Business development

Renantis and BlueFloat Energy have submitted the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report for the Kailia Energia floating offshore wind project in Italy.

After over a year of studies and research, the EIA report was submitted to the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security (MASE) and the Ministry of Culture (MiC).

The submission consists of the documents outlining the predicted impacts of the proposed project and will be made publicly available in the coming weeks on the MASE Environmental Assessment online portal for consultation by all interested parties.

Kailia Energia floating offshore wind project will feature up to 78 wind turbines with a maximum expected installed capacity of 1,170 MW. The total investment for the construction and development of Kailia Energia is estimated at almost EUR 4 billion.

It is estimated that there will be an average of 1,500 direct jobs during the production, assembly, and construction phases of the wind farm, and more than 150 permanent jobs for the entire operation phase of the project which is currently set at 30 years.

Once fully completed, the wind farm is planned to produce enough renewable energy to supply over one million Italian households, avoiding the emission of more than two million tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year, said BlueFloat Energy.

Kailia Energia is the second offshore wind project that the partnership between Renantis and BlueFloat Energy plans to build off the coast of Puglia.

A couple of months ago, Odra Energia, a neighbouring project developed by the partners, submitted its EIA report to the ministry.

Renantis, previously known as Falck Renewables, and BlueFloat Energy formed a partnership to develop floating wind projects in Italy in 2021.

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