Liz Burdock, CEO of Oceantic Network at Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference 2023 (OEEC 2023

Opinion | Offshore Wind Energy: Delivering the American Dream

Business & Finance

This is an op-ed piece by Liz Burdock, Founder and CEO of Oceantic Network, the US offshore renewable energy industry organisation.

When I started Oceantic Network 11 years ago, I was motivated by the confident belief that offshore wind would be an economic and environmental game-changer for the U.S. Not only because of the industry’s longstanding global success, but also because of our country’s need for clean energy that harnesses American ingenuity, manufacturing, and maritime expertise.

Yet even my biggest dreams are being eclipsed by the incredible progress we’re seeing today.

One commercial-scale project is generating renewable wind power to the local grid, with four more currently under construction, and more than $9.5 billion in supply chain investments have been made in the last six months alone.

As I look to the horizon, national demand for offshore wind energy paints a promising vision for the future. The past few months have yielded bigger goals, new contracts, and favorable policy outcomes in places like New York, New Jersey, Delaware, California, and my home state, Maryland.

I’ve been thinking a lot about my home state lately and the former industrial coal communities of Western Maryland. Over the past several months as part of the Oceantic Network’s “jobs tour,” I’ve traveled to places that have faced similar losses, the closures of manufacturing facilities and other businesses that once fueled these towns. However, on these visits, I’ve been met with a new story, one of opportunity.

Steel plants in seven states, including Iowa, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia have been tapped to support the offshore wind industry’s massive demand for vessels. Other states, like Illinois, Indiana, and Georgia have contributed as well, providing engines and other major components. In total, over 50 new and retrofitted vessels have been announced to meet the demand of just our first couple projects – a number that will only multiply as the full demand for the market becomes apparent. Those orders have already delivered at least $1.7 billion to 13 U.S. shipyards across eight states, from the Gulf of Mexico to Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.  

The list goes on — and the impact doesn’t stop there.

Stories such as these are popping up across America as the offshore wind industry’s supply chain today spans 37 states, represents $24 billion in investments, and encompasses thousands of well-paying U.S. jobs.

It’s already incredible progress, but now consider how those numbers will begin to multiply. Today, 5 GW of offshore wind projects are under construction and 14 GW total have received federal permitting approval – only a little over 10% of the total state demand for the industry. Oceantic Network is tracking and reporting this data to help the U.S. understand the massive economic potential of an industry that for decades has safely and successfully operated tens of thousands of offshore wind turbines across the globe.

I’m proud to say that after more than a decade of this work, and billions in new investments, people are paying attention. We’re seeing broad bipartisan support for offshore wind energy in states like Virginia and Louisiana — in addition to states up and down the East and West Coasts that have long sought to make offshore wind energy a reality in their own backyards. 

Offshore wind is surging ahead with momentum, delivering jobs, economic opportunities, and renewable energy to communities across the country. Now is the time to ensure your state, your community, and your business are part of this incredible economic story putting Americans to work today for our energy future.

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