Floatgen BWE Ideol

Buchan Floating Offshore Wind Project Wraps Up Metocean Campaign in Scotland

Business development

The metocean and LiDAR surveys have been completed at the Buchan floating offshore wind farm site located off the northeast coast of Scotland.

Partrac recently recovered the project LiDAR and seabed instrumentation at the project site some 75 kilometres northeast of Fraserburgh on the Aberdeenshire coast.

The two-year metocean and floating LiDAR campaign has seen the project collect data required for the wind farm’s environmental impact assessment (EIA) and detailed design work.

The FLiDAR, which was deployed in November 2022, was supplied by EOLOS, with BrightWind providing third-party quality assurance.

“The data gathered confirms that the site benefits from a tremendous wind resource and also supports us in progressing at pace with maturing our engineering design development. The project team is now working on finalising our environmental assessments ahead of us submitting our consent applications in the middle of this year,” said Clare Lavelle, Project Director of Buchan Offshore Wind.

A consortium comprising BayWa r.e., Elicio, and BW Ideol is developing the 1 GW Buchan floating offshore wind farm in Scotland.

The project has already received its Offshore Scoping Opinion and its Habitats Regulation Assessment Screening Option. In July 2024, the developers submitted the onshore scoping report to Aberdeenshire Council.

The project will use BW Ideol’s Damping Pool floating foundations.


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