Responses Due Next Week for Dogger Bank Teesside A&B


Responses, Due, Next, Week, Dogger, Bank, Teesside, A&B,

Consultation responses on the proposals for Forewind’s 2.4 GW wind energy development, Dogger Bank Teesside A & B are due next week (Friday, 20 December).

The organisation’s second and final stage of consultation for this development started in early November with the publication of documents, plans and maps about the proposals on its website. Hundreds of stakeholders have also received direct correspondence with details on the proposals.

Dogger Bank Teesside A & B, will comprise two up to 1.2GW offshore wind farms which will connect via underground cables into the national grid at the existing Lackenby substation, in Redcar and Cleveland. In total the development could have 400 turbines with the closest being 165 kilometres (102 miles) from shore, as well as two new onshore converter stations to be located in the south-western corner of the Wilton Complex, Teesside.

This consultation is the culmination of three years of environmental impact assessment work including onshore and offshore surveys, consultation and reviews. The documents published include the 35 chapter draft Environmental Statement and a Non-technical Summary giving an overview of the proposed development and of all its potential impacts.

Dogger Bank Teesside A&B Project Manager, Chris Nunn encouraged everyone with an interest in the development to take the time to read and comment on the proposals before the consultation end date to ensure their input is considered in the final plans.

“This is the main opportunity statutory consultees, key stakeholders and members of the public have to review and have a say on the proposals before the development consent application is submitted,” he said.

Almost 100 people attended Forewind’s three public events, held in November, to learn more about the development.


Press release, December 12, 2013; Image: Forewind