ECN Compiles Data Report on Renewable Energy in the EU Member States

ECN Compiles Data Report on Renewable Energy in the EU Member States

All European Union Member States have reporting obligations in the framework of RES Directive 2009/28/EC. This is a European Directive on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources. It mandates renewable energy targets for all European Union Member States, and prescribes an indicative trajectory towards that target.

ECN has bundled the data from the official Member State Progress Reports for 2011 (with energy data from 2009 and 2010) in a single report and has made the underlying database publicly accessible HERE.

These data are primarily of interest to European energy experts: research institutes, statistical offices, the energy industry, energy service companies, renewable energy associations, energy consultants, banks and policy makers on local, national and European level. Nonetheless, the data presented may be useful for other disciplines as well, such as journalists, educational institutes but also the general audience.

ECN is also planning to bundle the data from the Progress Reports that are to be received by the European Commission by the end of 2013 (deadline: December 31st, 2013).  This will then result in a new reference book with up-to-date information on the European Member State progress in renewable energy.


Press release, December 20, 2013; Image: eu commision