PWE Recruitment Group Secures GBP 10,000 Offshore Renewables Funding
Having successfully secured £10,000 funding through the recently launched Supply Chain innovation for Offshore Renewable Energy (SCORE) grant, Beccles-based specialist energy recruitment company, PWE Recruitment Group Ltd, has launched an innovative outsourced recruitment project with Great Yarmouth based 3Sun Group.
Managing Director Stuart Smith takes up the story: “Our plan is to provide a recruitment outsourcing service to companies in the offshore energy sector to help address a skill shortage within the industry in the East Anglian region. The project is an innovative first in East Anglia and when we heard how SCORE funding could be available to drive forward our ideas we jumped at the chance.”
Working closely with SCORE’s project manager Richard Salmon to develop its business case, PWE was granted £10,000 enabling its outsourced recruitment project to be launched with a PWE dedicated member of staff based at 3Sun Group’s Great Yarmouth office.
Mr. Smith continues: “We were one of the first companies to apply for SCORE funding and our project wouldn’t have got off the ground without the grant, which we are using on time to develop the project, salaries, recruitment specific software and marketing.
“The whole bid process was very straight forward, with help available at every stage, and it was good to know you’re only ever a few weeks from knowing if the bid is successful. This initial project is going very well and we are already in discussions to replicate the outsourcing model with other company’s recruiting for the region’s offshore renewable energy sector.”
The SCORE programme delivers a £2.5 million funding investment through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). SCORE grants range from £2,500 up to a maximum of 30% of the project’s eligible costs, or £50,000, whichever is the lower.
Richard Salmon, project manager and Nwes business advisor for SCORE says: “Many companies and start-ups can be deterred from applying for funding as they perceive the level of information and form filling required too time consuming. That isn’t the case with this grant fund.
“Where SCORE differs from many grant opportunities is that we are supported by a team of industry specialists whose job is to support companies and start-ups; find out more about their innovative ideas to evaluate funding viability and then assist with the development of a funding business case.
“PWE is a great example of the diversity of projects SCORE is able to support, all of which will help strengthen East Anglia’s capability and reputation for innovation.”
PWE’s Stuart Smith concludes: “SCORE funding really made the difference between our project happening or not. The offshore renewable energy sector provides our region with a very unique business opportunity and I would urge fellow East Anglian SMEs to approach SCORE to discuss their ideas and eligibility for funding.”
Press release, April 30, 2014; Image: PWE Recruitment