With the foundation of a joint venture between REEDEREI NSB and offshore specialist OFFCON GmbH, the MPOV (Multi-Purpose-Offshore-Vessel) project with the newly developed vessel types MPOV-62 and MPOV-32 takes a major step towards becoming reality.


The MPOV-Wind family is tailor-made to the requirements of the offshore-wind market and offers a highly efficient and cost-optimized concept which also includes logistics and maintenance to wind farm operators.

“Since it is not possible to cover all requirements of the offshore-wind market with one single vessel type, we have designed a modular concept. With it, a multitude of operations can be pursued. Simultaneously, we are reducing both construction and operating costs”, says Harald Hübner, General Manager of OFFCON GmbH. During the design phase of the MPOV-Wind family, emphasis was placed on the following goals:

CAPEX reduction:

  • platform vessel reduced to the max, not carrying any “off topic” equipment, ready for quick modular outfitting
  • designed to perform 80% of all offshore wind jobs at 90% of weather time

OPEX reduction:

  • intelligent propulsion concept, daughter crafts, access-system, crane, ROV, etc.
  • reduction of crew required by smart layout and high degree of integration of workspaces
  • efficient maintenance of all vessels of the family-fleet by shore based maintenance team
  • reduction of spare parts and training cost by consequent “family-design”

Performance boost:

  • high degree of modularity with short re-mobilisation time by prepared modules and connections
  • very large deck space allowing to carry seldom used equipment and WTG-service containers that can be exchanged to the WTG during lay-by times
  • ROV (remotely operated vehicle) in moon-pool not blocking any deck-space always available at short notice without mob-times
  • DP-2, access-system and a crane to deliver service-containers directly to the platform of a WTG
  • two daughter crafts in a stern LARS (launch and recovery system) capable of safe and fast delivery of 12 technicians each while the mother ship performs other duties

The result of this concept is a DP-2 catamaran with a very large deck space, an option for direct access to WTG foundations, modular expandable accommodations, an optional fully compensated crane and daughter crafts in a stern launch and recovery system. The MPOV-wind family is comprised of two vessel sizes, MPOV-62 and MPOV-32, which consistently employ the same components and systems. This makes it especially cost efficient during construction and operation. The vessels allow REEDEREI NSB and OFFCON to close any gaps currently existing in the range of vessels offered to operators of offshore wind farms. During operations, “plug and play” modules allow very short modification times and therefore high flexibility as well as multi-role capacity. The ability to function also in difficult weather situations and the vessels’ DP-capability ensures an exceptional deployment rate while personnel costs are reduced due to the high degree of integration.

Tim Ponath, COO of REEDEREI NSB explains that, “thanks to their great flexibility our ships can be deployed during various operation phases – for example during the construction phase as a construction support vessel and during the ensuing operational phase as an accommodation and service vessel after just three modification days.” An additional service of the joint venture consists of the organization of an optimized deployment between multiple projects and subprojects. With it, idle times of the vessels are reduced significantly and with the systematic use of this “pooling concept” the total number of required vessels can be decreased considerably.


Press Release, July 01, 2014; Image: REEDEREI-NSB