Workshop on Design Tools for Offshore Wind Farms to Be Held in Amsterdam


ClusterDesign and DTOC project partners will organize a workshop where the design tools for future offshore wind farms will be revealed.

Workshop on Design Tools for Offshore Wind Farms to Be Held in Amsterdam

The workshop will take place on Wednesday 24 September 2014 in Amsterdam. The project partners have been working together to make designs more efficient and less damage-prone and will present their latest results.

The workshop is relevant to wind farm developers, designers and operators. It will provide exclusive insights into what can be achieved with the next generation of wind farm design tools. Wind resource analysts, strategic planners and utilities will be updated about the latest trends and developments in wind farm design and operation.

ClusterDesign and EERA-DTOC are the two major research projects on offshore wind farm clusters. They are developing the design tools for the clusters of offshore wind farms of the future. Recently, ClusterDesign finished its first round of activities and EERA-DTOC entered its last year.

Press release, July 15, 2014; Image: ECN