The Netherlands: Social and Political Discussion on Offshore Wind


Wind energy, and notably offshore wind energy, is the subject of a hot debate in the Netherlands. The Dutch Top consortium Knowledge and Innovation Offshore Wind Energy (TKI-WoZ) commissioned Ecofys and CE Delft to carry out a study that addresses the key discussion items in the societal and political debate.

While proponents of offshore wind energy point at the societal benefits (e.g. security of supply, avoided CO2 emissions and air pollution, job creation and economic growth), the opponents emphasize the societal costs (e.g. higher production costs, competition for space and possible negative (economic) impact on shipping, winning of oil and gas, sand and shells, on marine ecology as well as visual impacts).

In a societal cost-benefit assessment (SCBA), these pros and cons can be quantified and weighted. However, such an assessment is not able to capture all relevant aspects in exact figures, and it appears that there is no consensus on the application of some crucial variables: the emission reduction of CO2, the projected cost reductions (or increases), and the projected electricity price developments. The report presents the most important elements of the discussion and doing so intends to bring more nuance in the debate.

Download the report (in Dutch).

Press release; Image: ecofys