MESL Carries Out Benthic Characterisation Survey for Tidal Energy Project

MESL Carries Out Benthic Characterisation Survey for Tidal Energy Project


Marine Ecological Surveys Ltd (MESL) was commissioned by Xodus Group Ltd to conduct a benthic characterisation survey for the Torr Head Tidal Array development off of the north coast of County Antrim, Northern Ireland on behalf of Tidal Ventures Limited – a joint venture partnership between Brookfield Renewable Energy Group and OpenHydro Technology Limited.

The survey involved the acquisition of high quality video and still images across the Torr Head Agreement for Lease (AfL) area and proposed cable route options in order to effectively characterise the substrata and fauna, in addition to identifying the occurrence of any habitats or species of conservation concern. This information will be used to inform the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and application process for the development.

MESL provided Xodus with a comprehensive report which will be used as a central pillar of evidence for informing the development of the EIA process and ultimately, the production of the ES.

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Press release; Image: MESL