Scottish Enterprise Invites Quotes for Atlantic Area Cluster Cooperation Study

Business & Finance

Scottish Enterprise is inviting quotes for the provision of a study on cluster cooperation in the European Atlantic Area as detailed in the invitation to quote.

The Scottish European Green Energy Centre (SEGEC) is a team within Scottish Enterprise responsible for supporting access to European Funding, as part of this role they are project partners in the Interreg funded project the Atlantic Power Cluster, to which this work relates.

The Atlantic Power Cluster is a 34-month project with the aim to develop a strategic approach to offshore renewable energy in the Atlantic Area.

The project covers social acceptance of ORE, workforce and skills requirements, development of business opportunities and the development of trans-national cooperation.

A recent deliverable of the project is the Atlantic Power Cluster Accord, a working agreement between industry clusters and working groups within the Atlantic Arc to engage in transnational cooperative actions, such as joint bids for European funding, staff exchanges and secondments amongst others.

A report was written based on high level information from the clusters about their willingness to collaborate. The work being commissioned would be a follow up to this report exploring the most appropriate areas for collaboration, opportunities for linking supply chain gaps with capabilities elsewhere in the Atlantic Area and recommendations for making the best use of the cluster network.

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Offshore WIND Staff; Image: scottishenterprise