German Clean Energy Catching Up with Non-Renewables

German Clean Energy Catching Up with Non-Renewables


German Federal Network Agency (BNA) and the Bundeskartellamt have published their joint monitoring report on significant developments in German electricity and gas markets in 2013. 

As of October 2014 (and August 2014 for Solar), a total of 107.1 GW is attributable to non-renewable energy sources and 87.0 GW to renewable energy sources. The increase in non-renewable energy sources compared to the 31 December 2013 is based on coal, with an increase of 1.9 GW. In the case of renewable energy, capacity in solar grew by 1.8 GW and onshore wind by 1.6 GW.

Installed capacity from offshore wind amounted to 616 MW in October, 108 MW more than at the end of the last year.

Jochen Homann, President of the Federal Network Agency has expressed his satisfaction with the pace of renewables, which are pushing forward the energy  transition.

“Although the network expansion is proceeding well, it cannot keep pace with the expansion of renewable energy. As a result, the network operators in 2013 had to reinforce measures to protect the network and system stability,” Jochen Homann, President of the Federal Network Agency said.

Offshore WIND Staff; Image: BARD Offshore (Illustration)