Den Oever Tidal Turbine Foundation on Its Way

Den Oever Tidal Turbine Foundation on Its Way


A foundation structure for Tocardo’s tidal turbine to be installed at Den Oever, Netherlands, was loaded onto a truck for its transport to the dockside on January 5. 

The tidal turbine will be the second one Tocardo is installing at the site, managed by Tidal Testing Centre, following the installation of the first commercial version of the T100 turbine in 2008. The turbine has been operational since and has provided the developer with valuable information that will help improve the Den Oever project, located in the Afsluitdijk, a 30 km long primary sea defense.

The project will serve as a pilot for a 3 MW project planned for 2016. All the engineering, including the foundation system is done in-house.

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Offshore WIND Staff; Image: Tocardo