JBA to Undertake Tidal Lagoon Flood Risk Work


Tidal Lagoon Power has appointed JBA Consulting to undertake flood risk assessment work in relation to their Tidal Lagoon Cardiff project.

With the second highest tidal range in the world, the Severn Estuary is the focus of Tidal Lagoon Power’s first two developments at Swansea Bay and Cardiff. The proposed lagoon, between Cardiff and Newport, will benefit from a tidal range of around 9 m, making it a prime location for sustainable, long-term electricity generation.

JBA will deliver the flood risk elements of their Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and evaluate the impact of the proposed lagoon on flood risk, in terms of both negative and positive impacts during the construction, operation and decommissioning phases.

Dr Mark Lawless, Director at JBA said “We are delighted with this latest project. We have a particular passion and drive with respect to tidal energy projects and unrivalled experience in terms of flood risk modelling and assessment, globally, nationally and locally. To be applying this passion and experience to Tidal Lagoon Power’s Cardiff project is tremendously exciting”.

Work on the project starts immediately with the EIA due for submission in 2017.

Image: swansae bay