Canyon Offshore to Bury Dudgeon Cables

Grid Connection

Canyon Offshore Ltd, the robotics subsidiary of Helix Energy Solutions Group Inc., has been awarded a multi-million pound project with VBMS Ltd on the Statoil, Masdar and Stakraft Dudgeon Offshore Wind Farm for the supply of its services to provide the trenching solution for inter array cables.

As part of the cable contract VBMS will be responsible for the lay and burial of the inter array cables. In turn Canyon Offshore will utilize the primary trenching solution of its jet trencher, T1200, together with its hard ground trencher, iTrencher, they will provide solutions in order to achieve the target depth of burial. Both systems, together with two work class remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), will be mobilized from a single support vessel, the Grand Canyon.

John Davies, Canyon’s Business Acquisition and Development Manager, said, “This now further extends Canyon Offshore’s project profile; Canyon having successfully buried hundreds of kilometers of inter array cable within the Offshore Wind sector. Canyon Offshore works across diverse markets and uses its core project delivery strengths together with its most capable assets and offshore personnel to meet and exceed its customers’ and their clients’ expectations.”

The Dudgeon Offshore Wind Farm will be located in water that is between 18-25m deep on a 35 km² site located 32 km [20 miles] off the coast of the seaside town of Cromer in North Norfolk.

Image: helixesg