BOEM Invites Potential Study Ideas


The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is inviting input in identifying potential study ideas for consideration on Alaska, Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico and Pacific OCS areas.

BOEM is responsible for ensuring that the effects on the natural and human environment are taken into consideration during the leasing and development of oil, natural gas, renewable energy and marine mineral resources on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS).

To help inform management decisions affecting the OCS, BOEM develops, oversees and funds the collection of environmental information as directed by the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act through its Environmental Studies Program (ESP).

BOEM’s ESP is particularly interested in study ideas that include hypothesis testing, and the opportunity to include a citizen-science component. The submitted ideas must be relevant to BOEM’s information requirements in the areas of biological, oceanographic, social, economic and cultural research.

The deadline for the suggestions submission is November 20, 2015.

Image: BOEM