PRIMaRE Lists Its Marine Renewables Research Priorities


The Partnership for Research in Marine Renewable Energy (PRIMaRE) has released a document setting out its research priorities.

Photo: PRIMaRE (COAST Lab)

PRIMaRE, together with the South West Marine Energy Park (SW MEP), has put together a consortium of marine experts from across higher education, research and industry, which identified the research priorities and development needs required to speed up the progress of marine renewable energy technologies, including wave, tidal and offshore wind.

PRIMaRE will focus its collaborative work on three strategic areas, covering technical research, interdisciplinary research, and environmental priorities.

The first of those priorities is technical research, which covers a multitude of different topics, from the need to develop better materials that are resistant to corrosion and biofouling and components that offer greater reliability, to better understanding the stress placed upon devices when they are deployed and subjected to a wide range of conditions, many of them extreme. It also looks at issues of efficiency, cost and safety.

The second priority, interdisciplinary research, includes areas such as planning and governance of the seas and coastal regions, and the impacts and implications of marine energy technology for both the environment and the wider socioeconomic landscape.

And under environment research, the consortium will look at areas such as the impact of marine renewable technologies upon the seabed and other structures, and upon marine life, whether through risks of entanglements and entrapment, the transportation of invasive species, or providing new habitats, such as an ‘artificial reef’.