Gallery: Sandbank Project On Time Despite Bad Weather

Wind Farm Update

The construction of the 288 MW Sandbank offshore wind farm in the North Sea is progressing well, with 69 out of 72 foundations now in place, and the installation of the turbines scheduled to start in the summer, according to Vattenfall.

Image source: Vattenfall/Ulrich Wirrwa

The offshore construction work commenced last summer; however, rough weather conditions in November and December with almost 12-metre waves prohibited offshore works most of the time.

The cable work has also already started and two lines of cables have been installed. Sandbank’s substation with its helideck has been assembled and will be installed on site during the spring.

A Hydro-Sound-Damper – consisting of a net with plastic components – and a “bubble curtain” were used during the installation of the foundations in order to reduce the underwater noise.


Images: Vattenfall/Ulrich Wirrwa