Dutch Wind Takes Off in 2015

Business & Finance

130MW of offshore wind capacity added to the Dutch grid in 2015 helped the country grow its generation of electricity from wind turbines by nearly 20 percent last year, according to the data gathered by Statistics Netherlands (CBS).

Westermeerwind Wind Farm; Image source: Westermeerwind

In 2015, 13 billion KW of electricity was generated from renewable sources in The Netherlands, approximately 11 percent of total Dutch electricity consumption and one percentage point more than in 2014.

Altogether, wind turbines accounted for a total of nearly 7 billion KW of electricity in 2015.

Offshore wind farms are becoming increasingly important, although onshore production is also growing substantially, according to CBS.

The increase is mainly due to an 18% increase in the overall wind capacity, which now stands at 3.4GW. The country’s offshore wind capacity is currently 360 MW.