JD Contractor Starts Laying Horns Rev C Subsea Cable

Grid Connection

Danish national transmission system operator Energinet.dk has started works to install a 33-kilometre subsea cable which will connect the offshore substation at the 400MW Horns Rev 3 offshore wind farm to the power grid on land.

Sima; Source: JD Contractor

JD Contractor’s multipurpose offshore installation vessel Sima will install the 222kV cable from the Horns Rev C substation, to around 1,500 metres from the shore, where another smaller vessel will take over the installation due to waters being too shallow for Sima to carry on.

The smaller vessel will install the cable to around 600 metres from the shore, where the cable will be laid on floating pontoons and pulled ashore.

The entire operation is expected to take 10 days, with the subsea cable reaching the shore on 13 or 14 June.

The subsea cable will be pulled ashore some 1.5 kilometres north of Henne Strand, where it will be linked to an onshore cable via a transition station. The linking of the two cables is expected to take six days.

The onshore cable was installed between the transition station and the onshore substation in Blaabjerg Klitplantag last year.

Swedish energy company Vattenfall is the owner and operator of the Horns Rev 3 OWF, which once commissioned in 2018, will be the largest offshore wind farm in Danish waters. Vattenfall reached the Final Investment Decision on the project last week.

Energinet.dk is the owner of the wind farm’s transmission system.

Offshore Wind Staff