496MW French Offshore Wind Farm Gets New Layout


A 496MW wind farm project proposed to be built off the French Vendée islands of Yeu and Noirmoutier has exited the risk addressing and consultation phase which resulted in a new layout plan for the wind farm. 

Source: MRE-Pays de la Loire

Following a series of consultations and public debates, it was decided to extend the space between the wind turbines to 1,600 metres instead of 900 to 1,200 metres as planned earlier, and to place them in line rather than staggered in order to reduce the impact on fishing and limit the visual impact.

The consultations and debates also helped confirm the initial technological choices, including the use of jacket-type metal structure foundations.

The Yeu-Noirmoutier wind farm is the second offshore wind farm project off the Pays de la Loire region, expected to be operational from 2021.

The project was selected in the second government call for offshore wind projects. It is managed by the company Éoliennes en mer Îles d’Yeu et de Noirmoutier, whose shareholders are Engie and EDP Renewables, now in partnership with Groupe Caisse des Dépôts who acquired the Neoen Marine share in April.

Adwen, the industrial partner, will manufacture 62 8MW wind turbines for the project.

Upcoming administrative milestones for the project include filing of applications for authorisation, to be conducted over 2017, and the public inquiry.

The set-up and operation of the park is expected to have an impact on the entire region, initially on the Port of Nantes – Saint-Nazaire, but also on the ports of Noirmoutier and Yeu islands, the operational bases for the operation and maintenance of the wind farm.

The developers have recently set up information points about the park on both islands to allow the tourists and island populations to learn about the proposed offshore wind farm.

A representative of the project team will be at the reception areas two days a week to talk with visitors and answer their questions.