RVO to Study Obstacle-Free Zones for Helicopter Offshore Ops


Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) is looking for companies which will perform a study on guidelines for new obstacle-free zones for helicopter flights to oil and gas platforms in the vicinity of future offshore wind farms. 

Illustration (Image: Bond Aviation Group/ archive)

The study is needed to ensure safe flight operations and an efficient use of the available areas for offshore wind farms.

The Dutch government plans to set up offshore wind farms across three wind areas (Borssele, Hollandse Kust Zuid and Hollandse Kust Noord), with 3,500MW of additional installed capacity in 2023.

The Hollandse Kust Zuid and Hollandse Kust Noord wind farm zones are close to operational oil and gas platforms and crossed by existing obstacle-free 5 NM zones for helicopter operations.

Since both oil and gas platforms and offshore wind farms require access by helicopter, RVO is seeking contractors who are willing and able to carry out a study on guidelines for obstacle-free zones for helicopter operations around oil and gas platforms.

Parties that qualify to carry out the work should have experience with helicopter flight operations, designing helicopter routes from mainland to offshore platforms in the North Sea, and state-of-the-art helicopter technologies. Contractors should also be experienced in working with or advising Netherlands aviation authorities and have an insight in national and international aviation safety rules, as well as in industry standards and procedures used by helicopter pilots.