Triton Knoll to Give Private Tours along Onshore Cable Route

Contracts & Tenders

Developers of the 900MW Triton Knoll offshore wind farm will host several invite-only site visits over the next few weeks for contractors hoping to win the main installation contract for the project’s underground onshore export cable.

Source: innogy

The sessions will provide an opportunity for prospective contractors to fully understand the overall site, ensuring their final contract tender offers are realistic, appropriately-costed and deliverable, the project developers said.

The proposed onshore export cable route is almost 60 kilometers in length and runs from the landfall location at Anderby Creek, through to Bicker Fen where the power generated by the offshore wind farm will ultimately connect into the national grid network.

“By providing this opportunity to visit the cable route and meet our teams, we hope to give potential contractors a real awareness of the work ahead. That way, their subsequent tender offers will be well informed, appropriate to the needs of the land owners, neighbouring communities and the project,” Triton Knoll project director James Cotter said.

“We’re also taking this opportunity to clarify the obligation upon the winning contractor to encourage local companies to bid for future sub-contract work on the project. We’re determined that local companies will have visibility of contracts and the chance to bid for work on our project. In this way, we hope to play a role in the retention of local jobs and skills and to see investment flowing into the community.”

The non-intrusive site visits are due to take place during week days and will involve potential contractors in high visibility jackets, walking the length of the onshore cable route. Those involved will have the chance to survey the route visually, and use hand held measuring devices, in order to fully understand the layout.

Triton Knoll offshore wind farm will be located approximately 32km off the Lincolnshire coast and 50km off the coast of North Norfolk.

It is being developed as a joint venture between Innogy Renewables UK Ltd (50%) and Statkraft (50%), with innogy managing the project on behalf of the partnership.

The project secured consent for the offshore array in July 2013 and the electrical system in September 2016.

Offshore site investigation works have already been undertaken, and the onshore site investigation works along the onshore cable route and landfall are ongoing.

This will enable the project to complete detailed design work in preparation for progress into construction. There are still a number of key stages for the project to complete, including a successful Final Investment Decision, after which onshore construction could then begin.