German Government Urged to Raise the Bar to 20GW by 2030


On 11 September, a group of economic and energy ministers and senators of five northern German states, together with representatives of the coastal cities and the industry, signed the Cuxhaven Appeal 2.0, calling for an expansion goal of at least 20 gigawatts in the North and Baltic Seas by 2030, and at least 30 gigawatts by 2035.

Image source: BARD Offshore (Illustration)

The 11-point paper is urging the Federal Government to improve the framework conditions for the expansion of offshore wind energy, in light of the latest tender results in Germany.

The cap of 15 gigawatts of offshore wind power installed by 2030, introduced in 2014, should now be looked into with the most recent tender results in mind, according to the paper signatories.

“With the first Cuxhaven Appeal in 2013 and the “united force of the north”, we have succeeded to significantly advance the conditions and the expansion of offshore wind industry as well as to clearly position the market. For the offshore industry, the second Cuxhaven Appeal is of enormous importance,” said Ulrich Getsch, Lord Mayor of Cuxhaven.