Seagreen Schedules Offshore Wind Talks

Wind Farm Update

Seagreen Wind Energy Limited is hosting three public exhibitions in February to allow local residents and interested parties the opportunity to view details of proposed modifications to the offshore works on the Seagreen Alpha and Seagreen Bravo wind farms off Scotland.

Image source: Seagreen Wind Energy Limited

The public exhibitions will be held on 26, 27 and 28 February in Arbroath, Montrose, and Carnoustie, respectively.

In the time since the original consent application in 2012, on which the 2014 decision was based, there has been considerable development in offshore wind farm design, driven largely by increases in wind turbine size and generation capacity and by developments in foundation design, Seagreen said.

The developer is therefore considering its options to progress the 1,050MW Seagreen Alpha and Seagreen Bravo with potential modifications to the consents to incorporate these design developments and parameters of the larger wind turbines.

This could enable Seagreen to achieve the wind farm generating capacity using a reduced number of wind turbines. As already consented the wind farms are located a minimum of 27km from the Angus coastline, which will not change.

In order to progress modification to the consents, Seagreen have appointed NIRAS as EIA Coordinator for the necessary offshore environmental works which are currently underway. EIA completion and submission to Marine Scotland is programmed for May 2018.

In April 2017, Seagreen submitted a Scoping Report which outlined the proposed revisions to the consent in relation to substructure design and wind turbine parameters.

Seagreen Wind Energy Limited is a 50/50 joint venture partnership between SSE (Scottish and Southern Energy plc) and Fluor Limited, the UK operating arm of Fluor Corporation.