Denmark to Build Three More Offshore Wind Farms by 2030


Danish parliament unanimously voted in favour of a new energy agreement for the country on Friday, 27 June, which includes building three new offshore wind farms by 2030 with a total capacity of at least 2.4GW.

The agreement sets out a target of 55% of renewable energy in Denmark’s energy mix by 2030, and also includes boosting the country’s onshore wind capacity. For onshore wind, a goal has been set to reduce the number of turbines from over 4,000 today to 1,850 by 2030, however, reducing the turbine number will be accompanied by replacing some of the turbines with those of a bigger capacity, which will ultimately result in more wind energy capacity on land.

Jan Hylleberg, CEO of Danish Wind Energy Association, said that the agreement underlines the fact that Denmark has set the bar high and prioritised its ambitious energy policy across the parliament.

Hylleberg added that the agreement is crucial for the energy transition and strengthening Denmark’s position in the wind energy sector, including 33,000 jobs and billions of euros in export earnings.

Denmark has several offshore wind farms in operation, approved or under construction, including the 406.7MW Horns Rev 3, the 605MW Kriegers Flak, and the Vesterhav Syd and Vesterhav Nord nearshore wind farms.

The country is also the home of the world’s first offshore wind farm, Vindeby, which was decommissioned in 2017.

Offshore WIND Staff