EU 2030 Renewables Target Set in Stone


The European Parliament has completed the approval of the EU target to have at least 32% of electricity produced by renewable energy by 2030.

Illustration. Source: European Parliament

The news is part of the Parliament’s announcement that it had adopted four of eight legislative proposals in the 2016 Clean Energy for All Europeans package, including new rules on renewables, energy efficiency and the governance of the European Union.

In addition to the 2030 renewables target, an energy efficiency goal of at least 32.5% has been set up, with both including a review clause by 2023 for an upward revision.

To strive towards a long-term greenhouse gas reduction objective, the framework also sets up a robust governance system of the Energy Union, which promotes long-term certainty and predictability for investors and ensures that EU and the Member States can work together in achieving the Paris Agreement goals.

Within the framework, the Member States are called to prepare a national energy and climate plan for the period 2021 to 2030.

“Four out of eight proposals of the Clean Energy for All Europeans Package have now been fully agreed, a signal that we are on the right track and that we will deliver on our pledge made at the beginning of the mandate,” said Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete.

“Our ambitious commitment to clean energy in Europe and the Paris Agreement will be made a reality by laws like the ones voted today. I now call on Member States to show similar ambition and leadership when submitting their draft National Energy and Climate Plans that are due by the end of this year.”

The Council of Ministers will now finalize the formal approval of the three laws in the coming weeks. The endorsement will be followed by the publication of the texts in the Official Journal of the Union, with the new legislation entering into force three days later.

Once the policies are fully implemented, they will lead to steeper emission reductions for the whole EU than anticipated, some 45% by 2030 compared to 1990, instead of 40%, the Parliament said.