Triton Knoll Draft Decommissioning Plan Open for Comments

Business & Finance

Triton Knoll Offshore Wind Farm Ltd is consulting on the draft Decommissioning Programme for the 860MW offshore wind project prior to submission to the UK Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS).

Source: Triton Knoll

The draft Decommissioning Programme includes the plans for the removal of the offshore infrastructure associated with the array and export cable routes after the wind farm reaches the end of its lifecycle.

According to the project developer, the document has been produced in line with the requirements of the Development Consent Orders and following BEIS’ guidance.

The draft writes that the 90 MHI Vestas 9.5MW turbines will be completely removed by a jack-up crane vessel and the monopiles will be cut below the seabed with the remainder of the structures left in situ.

The two offshore substation topsides will each be removed in a single mobilization. It is estimated that the decommissioning will take 30 months.

Interested parties are welcome to submit their comments by Friday, 25 January 2019.

The draft will be submitted to BEIS in February 2019, with approval expected in June.

Triton Knoll is expected to enter the offshore construction phase late next year at the site some 33km off the Lincolnshire coast.

Onshore activities began in September and will take about two years to be completed. First energy is scheduled for 2021.