UK Might Lose Leading Position in Offshore Wind Energy


UK Might Lose Leading Position in Offshore Wind Energy

As informed by Reuters, the uncertainty of market reforms in the UK, which are supposed to be very favourable for various forms of low-carbon energy, might result in taking over of the UK’s leading role in offshore wind production by France or Germany.

Namely, France is about to disclose results of its first offshore wind tender, while Germany voiced its interest in investing in offshore wind industry via German development bank.

With 2,000 megawatts (MW) installed, Britain occupies the top spot on the offshore wind market with an intention of constructing up to 18 gigawatts (GW) of offshore wind power capacity by 2020.

However, according to chief corporate officer at Scottish Power, Keith Anderson, if UK Government fails to act fast and publish reform details soon ” there’s the risk the investment goes to Germany or to France”.

“The problem now is: are people going to be willing carrying on investing in Round 3 (offshore wind) projects if we don’t know the answers to the market review?” Anderson added.

Infrastructural projects aimed at production of renewable energy are supported by the Scottish Government with 70 million pounds in addition to 60 million pounds ($95.8 million), which are assigned by the UK for major offshore wind production manufacturing facilities that are seated in England.


Offshore WIND staff, March 28, 2012; Image: vattenfall