French Media to Visit Dutch Offshore Wind Farm

French Media to Visit Dutch Offshore Wind Farm

Agentschap NL has organized a trip to The Netherlands for a number of French journalists from various French media to show what knowledge, skills and products the Netherlands can offer in the field of offshore wind energy.

Background of this trip is the tender for the construction of offshore wind farms at the coast of Normandy and Brittany as issued by the French government.

The trip will provide the journalists with insights into offshore wind energy, and the capacity, skills and knowledge available in The Netherlands. A visit to Test Site Lelystad on 27 June will be part of the programme. Ecofys will guide the tour and give a presentation on the wind farm near Lelystad. The tour will be accompanied by Erik Holtslag, Senior Consultant and Jean Grassin, Consultant, in the Wind Energy Unit of Ecofys.


Offshore WIND staff, June 25, 2012; Image: ecofys