UK: Royal HaskoningDHV Welcomes Grant for World’s Largest Wave Farm

Royal HaskoningDHV is delighted to congratulate Aquamarine Power on achieving consent from the Scottish Government today, to build the world’s largest wave farm off Scotland’s Isle of Lewis.
Once built, Lewis Wave Farm will produce an impressive 40MW of electricity annually, making a significant contribution to meeting Scottish and UK government targets for renewable power generation.
Frank Fortune, Technical Director, Wave and Tidal Energy for Royal HaskoningDHV, said: “Gaining consent to build the world’s largest wave farm is a fantastic achievement and we congratulate Lewis Wave Power and its parent company Aquamarine Power.
“We are extremely proud to have played a part during the consenting process by managing the Environmental Impact Assessment and supporting Lewis Wave Power as part of the consent process.
“At 40MW the Lewis Wave Farm will be the world’s largest consented wave energy farm. This is an important milestone for Aquamarine Power, and the marine renewables industry, and heralds an exciting time for the sector as offshore renewable technology progresses rapidly. With continued government support, installing large wave farms can become a commercial reality.”
Press release, May 22, 2013; Image: Aquamarine Power