Rio de Janeiro The Green Power detail page

Rio de Janeiro The Green Power
  • Date:
    July 21st 2013 until July 25th 2013
  • City:
    Brazil, Brazil

Event location

  • Rio de Janeiro
  • ., Brazil
  • Brazil

Key Course Learning

  • How renewable resources, technologies, policies and investors interconnect to determine market growth and project development
  • The fundamentals of the technologies, market impacts, opportunities and challenges for Solar, Wind, Geothermal, Biomass and Ocean energy (wave & tidal)
  • The factors determining how renewable energy fits into the energy market, the timescales over which it can scale, and how governments and external influences change these
  • The finances of renewable energy from country scales to project level investor returns
  • Our UNIQUE ENERGY MIX PLANNING EXERCISE: an innovative, thought-provoking, team-based project designed to put all these learning points into practice

More info: greenpowerconferences



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