UK: PMSS and SMRU Marine Release Papers on Tidal and Wave Energy


Leading renewable consultancy companies TÜV SÜD PMSS (PMSS) and SMRU Marine Ltd with their academic partner the Sea Mammal Research Unit (SMRU) have recently delivered a series of position papers which have gathered evidence from published research and interviews with key industry representatives regarding how wave and tidal energy devices may affect birds, fish and marine mammals.

The position papers, which will be launched at RenewableUK’s Annual Conference in Birmingham next month, were commissioned by industry trade associations Renewable UK and Scottish Renewables and the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). The strong project team brought together by lead partner PMSS included leading academics and industry partners, ensuring that the position papers accurately consolidate the current understanding of potential key impacts across the three receptor groups for a number of diverse wave and tidal technology types. In addition, the series identified gaps in the current knowledge base and provided recommendations for future work over the short and medium term.

Kit Hawkins, who led the project for PMSS, stated:

“The wave and tidal energy industry has moved forwards greatly since the Strategic Environmental Assessment in 2007 and this series of position papers has pulled together current evidence and knowledge, as well as identifying where gaps in that knowledge base still exist.

We are very much looking forward to launching this position paper series at the Annual Conference next month and discussing the recommendations further with our colleagues in the wave and tidal industry”.

Dr Steve Freeman, Direct of Environment at PMSS and lead author of the fish paper, noted:

“As the wave and tidal energy industry is now well positioned to help the UK meet its future energy demands, we remain passionate about our involvement in helping the industry meet its challenges, and to contribute to a future where more energy is produced from renewable sources. We have a truly exceptional team and the global infrastructure to deliver the highest standard of service for our clients.”

David Krohn, RenewableUK’s Wave and Tidal Development Manager responded:

I would like to take this opportunity to thank PMSS and SMRU Marine for their excellent work and willingness to deliver a series of papers which consolidates the knowledge base and provides a cross-industry position. I’ve really enjoyed working with the PMSS led team and look forward to a successful launch next month.”

Press release, October 25, 2013