23 results found for 'acta centaurus'

23 results found for 'acta centaurus'
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  • 16 July 2024
    Contracts & Tenders, Fixed-Bottom, Operations & Maintenance, Supply Chain

    Vattenfall and Stadtwerke München have awarded Dutch company Bluestream Offshore, an OEG Renewables business, a contract for a remedial campaign on the DanTysk and Sandbank offshore wind farms in the German North Sea. Bluestream will provide specialist subsea and topside services for the remedial campaign which will run for around 35 days. The work includes […]

  • 28 February 2024
    Operations & Maintenance

    Acta Marine’s service operation vessel (SOV) Acta Centaurus will soon commence maintenance work at Vattenfall’s DanTysk and Sandbank offshore wind farms in the German North Sea. The entire service campaign is expected to last until October 2024. The vessel is currently making a stop in the Port of Hamburg before starting work for Vattenfall’s offshore […]

  • 13 September 2018

    The construction of Acta Marine’s third walk-to-work vessel and second Ulstein SX195 design is progressing well and has reached complete hull beam at Crist shipyard in Poland, the Dutch company said.

  • 4 December 2018

    The Crist shipyard in Poland has completed the construction of Acta Marine’s third walk-to-work vessel Acta Centaurus.

  • 23 December 2019

    Acta Marine and MHI Vestas Offshore Wind have signed a charter party for the deployment of the Acta Centaurus on the 731.5MW Borssele III and IV offshore wind farm in the Dutch North Sea. The Acta Centaurus will assist MHI Vestas with the commissioning of the 77 V164 9.5 MW wind turbines at the site […]

  • 26 April 2019
    Business & Finance, Vessels

    Acta Marine has taken delivery of its new walk-to-work vessel Acta Centaurus from Ulstein Verft. The newbuild vessel began its sea trials at the beginning of April after leaving Ulstein Verft’s construction site in Norway. According to Acta Marine’s Managing Director Rob Boer, Acta Centaurus will now get ready to commence work in the offshore wind sector. “Building […]

  • 10 December 2018

    The hull of Acta Marine’s second walk-to-work vessel from Ulstein, Acta Centaurus, has now arrived at Ulstein Verft’s yard in Ulsteinvik, Norway.

  • 8 August 2019
    Contracts & Tenders, Vessels

    Wärtsilä has received an order to provide hybrid propulsion for Acta Marine’s offshore wind service vessel Acta Centaurus. The order, placed in May, will see Wärtsilä deliver the hybrid drive, batteries, and an energy management system. In addition, the company will carry out the installation, testing and commissioning of the hybrid system, as well as the upgrade of the vessel’s […]

  • 23 May 2019
    Vessels, Wind Farm Update

    Acta Marine’s new walk-to-work vessel Acta Centaurus was christened in Den Helder in the Netherlands on Wednesday, 22 May. Following the ceremony, Acta Centaurus will head to Eemshaven to mobilize for its first offshore wind assignment. According to DHSS, MHI Vestas contracted the vessel for the coming work on the Deutsche Bucht wind farm in […]

  • 8 April 2019

    Acta Marine’s offshore wind service vessel Acta Centaurus left Ulstein Verft in Norway on Saturday, 6 April, to start her sea trials. The tests carried out so far have been successful, according to Ulstein’s project manager. The 93-metre vessel has a 3,200t load capacity, a 6m draft, and will provide accommodation for up to 120 persons. The […]

  • 21 February 2019

    Ulstein Verft has installed a helideck on board Acta Marine’s new walk-to-work vessel Acta Centaurus at its yard in Ulsteinvik, Norway, thus completing the topside equipment installation process. According to Ulstein, Acta Centaurus will be completed and ready for operation in a little more than two months. “The main topside equipment, including tower, gangway and crane, has been […]

  • 28 October 2019

    Acta Marine’s offshore wind service vessel Acta Centaurus has finished its work at the Deutsche Bucht wind farm in Germany, according to DHSS. The walk-to-work vessel, christened in Den Helder in the Netherlands on 22 May, debuted on the Deutsche Bucht wind farm under a contract with MHI Vestas. According to DHSS, whose support base in Eemshaven […]

  • 4 June 2019
    Ports & Logistics

    DHSS is mobilizing its base in Eemshaven, the Netherlands, which MHI Vestas will use for Deutsche Bucht O&M work. According to the Dutch company, walk-to-work vessel Acta Centaurus will begin its deployment at the 269MW offshore wind project this week. DHSS signed an agreement with MHI Vestas in March under which the turbine supplier will […]

  • 1 November 2018

    Becoming a leading player in the offshore energy arena means supporting oil and gas, offshore wind, and the emerging marine energy market says Rob Boer, Managing Director at Acta Marine.

  • 5 January 2021
    Vessels, Wind Farm Update

    Fred. Olsen Windcarrier’s jack-up Bold Tern is en route to Port of Nigg in Scotland to start the wind turbine installation at the 950 MW Moray East offshore wind farm. Prior to heading to Nigg, Bold Tern completed the mobilisation for the project at the Port of Esbjerg in Denmark. Bold Tern will transport 100 […]

  • 12 January 2021
    Vessels, Wind Farm Update

    Fred. Olsen Windcarrier’s jack-up Bold Tern is on her way to install the first wind turbines at the 950 MW Moray East wind farm offshore Scotland. The vessel departed Port of Nigg loaded with the first sets of the MHI Vestas V164-9.5MW turbines on Tuesday, 12 January, AIS data shows. In total, Bold Tern will […]

  • 29 December 2020
    Vessels, Wind Farm Update

    Wind turbine installation at the Moray East offshore wind farm is scheduled to start in the first days of the next year, around 5 January. The wind turbines will be installed by the Bold Tern jack-up vessel, with the commissioning work to be done from Acta Centaurus, supported by two crew transfer vessels, HST Harri […]

  • 8 March 2021
    Wind Farm Update

    Twelve Vestas (MHI Vestas) 9.5 MW wind turbines have been installed so far at the Moray East project site, located some 22 kilometres off the Aberdeenshire coast. The wind turbine installation is being carried out by Fred. Olsen Windcarrier’s Bold Tern jack-up vessel, which is picking up the components at the Port of Nigg, where […]

  • 1 December 2021
    Vessels, Wind Farm Update

    Cadeler’s jack up Wind Osprey has arrived at Able Seaton Port in Hartlepool to load the first batch of Vestas V164-10.0 MW turbines to be installed at the 1.1 GW Seagreen wind farm offshore Scotland. Wind Osprey is expected to arrive at the installation site some 27 kilometres off the Angus coast with the first […]

  • 20 April 2021
    Wind Farm Update

    The Bold Tern jack-up vessel has installed 24 wind turbines at the Moray East offshore wind farm in Scotland. The 100-turbine project is now one installation away from reaching a quarter of its wind turbines in place. The 24th Vestas (MHI Vestas) 9.5 MW unit was installed on 17 April, according to Moray East’s latest Notice of Operations, […]

  • 18 July 2022
    Operations & Maintenance, Vessels

    Acta Marine is once again equipping two newbuild Construction Service Operation Vessels (CSOVs) with SMST mission equipment. The cooperation between the two parties is reaffirmed by the contract signed with Tersan Shipyard for a modular W2W system package. ”We are very pleased to be part of the two next generation Methanol MDO/HVO powered CSOVs for […]

  • 23 September 2022
    Ports & Logistics, Wind Farm Update

    50 out of the 114 Vestas V164-10.0 MW turbines have been installed at the 1.1 GW Seagreen offshore wind farm, Scotland’s largest and the world’s deepest fixed-bottom offshore wind farm. The wind turbines are being transported from Vestas’ turbine marshalling base at Able Seaton Port in Hartlepool and installed at the site by Cadeler’s wind […]

  • 13 April 2022
    Vessels, Wind Farm Update

    21 out of the 114 Vestas V164-10.0 MW turbines have been installed at the 1.1 GW Seagreen offshore wind farm, Scotland’s largest and the world’s deepest fixed-bottom offshore wind farm. The turbines have been installed on all available 21 jacket foundations, and the installation activity will recommence when further foundations are installed, according to the […]