2782 results found for 'north star'

2782 results found for 'north star'
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  • 25 December 2011

    Delaware’s flagship offshore wind project may be going dormant, but observers say offshore wind is off to a promising start in New Jersey. Legislation passed last year could make the Garden State the new leader in building the first generation of offshore wind turbines off the U.S. coast, said Matt DaPrato, an analyst at IHS […]

  • 9 August 2012

    Critics, who argue that both on and offshore wind energy will remain cost intensive, will be proven wrong. That is the opinion of Andreas Reuter, Director at Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy and Energy Systems North-West. The research institute for wind energy and energy system technology is focussed on wind and solar energy and the integration of renewable energies into energy supply […]

  • 18 September 2012

    The leading international wind energy trade fair is opening its doors in North Friesland for the 13th time. This year, the honour of officially opening the trade fair was given to Peter Altmaier, Federal Minister of the Environment. In addition to the optimistic, happy atmosphere and short routes on the trade fair site, the usual […]

  • 2 May 2013
    R&D, Technology

    New technology for harvesting energy from low velocity ocean and tidal currents multiplies the potential for marine energy. Written by Anders Jansson, CEO, Minesto  Marine energy – for instance energy from tidal and ocean currents – is the ‘best of the best’ amongst green energy sources: it has the greatest potential (in theory, the planet’s […]

  • 15 March 2023
    Infrastructure, Ports & Logistics, Vessels

    A new report by the Floating Wind Offshore Wind Taskforce says up to eleven ports around the UK will need to be transformed as fast as possible into new industrial hubs to enable the roll-out of floating offshore wind at scale. The report contains a series of recommendations which could see 34 GW of floating […]

  • 24 February 2012

    O’Malley has testified yesterday before the House Economic Matters committee on the legislation to support the offshore wind energy development in Maryland . The governer said: Chairman Davis, Members of the Committee,… thanks for the opportunity to join you here today.  Progress is a choice; job creation is a choice; strengthening and growing our middle class […]

  • 24 August 2010

    Since its introduction five years ago, the ULSTEIN X-BOW® concept has proven its added value to customers when it comes to enhanced performances in operations, fuel economy, comfort and safety. However, innovation is a continuous process within ULSTEIN, finding new combinations of potential markets, products and services that allow customers to expand their positions. “Innovation […]

  • 10 October 2012
    Authorities, Business & Finance

    A multi-million pound renewable energy investment fund (REIF), geared to stimulating greater levels of private finance into innovative green power and renewable district heating projects in Scotland, was opened for business by First Minister Alex Salmond today. As senior figures from green energy, finance and government gathered in Edinburgh for the Scottish Low Carbon Investment […]

  • 9 October 2012

    With offshore wind having become a busy and fast emerging business over the past few years, in which money seems to be present in abundance, the industry seems to be blind for lessons learned. Even to the point that fatal accidents have been accepted at a very early stage, in the development phase. Recent fatalities […]

  • 5 August 2013

    As Gamesa sees its prototype offshore wind turbine produce its first kilowatt hours in the next few weeks what are the Spanish company’s expectations for the offshore wind industry? Headquartered in Vizcaya, Spain and with its offshore wind base in London, Gamesa now employs 6,500 people world wide and it has a presence in more than 50 countries, along with manufacturing centres in Spain, China, India, […]

  • 9 March 2012
    Business & Finance

    Van Oord’s turnover in 2011 was EUR 1,715 million (2010 EUR 1,578 million) and was evenly attributable to activities performed by Van Oord’s divisions and areas. The net profit for 2011 amounted to EUR 118 million (2010: EUR 165 million, including an extraordinary tax gain of EUR 40 million). CEO Pieter van Oord: ‘Given the […]

  • 28 August 2013

    The tradeoff between rising energy costs and the low carbon agenda continues to see policy makers retreating from traditional renewable energy support mechanisms; forcing the industry to look for innovative financing solutions. At the same time, energy mix optimization has come to the fore, particularly in emerging markets, with governments increasingly seeing the need to […]

  • 11 March 2016

    The long term employment prospects within the offshore wind industry lie with the Operation and Maintenance work that will keep the turbines producing electricity for the next 20+ years.  Hundreds of men and women will be climbing up the towers from boats, or down from helicopter dropping areas, into the nacelles for a long time […]

  • 30 August 2013
    Authorities, Business & Finance, R&D, Technology

    As part of the Obama Administration’s all-of-the-above strategy to deploy every available source of American energy, the Energy Department today announced $16 million for seventeen projects help sustainably and efficiently capture energy from waves, tides and currents. Together, these projects will increase the power production and reliability of wave and tidal devices and help gather […]

  • 26 February 2013

    The OWI-Lab team attended the EWEA 2013 event in Vienna this month, the largest wind energy conference in Europe. More than 8000 participants and nearly 400 companies attended the conference and exhibition this year. Although 11.000 MW of wind energy capacity was installed last year, the wind industry is in fact facing tough times just […]

  • 25 May 2015

    Events such as the EWEA OFFSHORE that took place in March, are providing excellent opportunities to hear all about the latest developments and challenges to overcome in the vibrant industry that is offshore wind. But reading and hearing is one thing… Experiencing the real thing is another. To give Offshore WIND and the articles we write as […]

  • 22 July 2011

    The latest phase in the debate over an off-shore wind farm in Lake Michigan was played out in a City Council meeting on Monday, when the council reviewed a report from the Mayor’s Wind Farm Committee. City Council voted 5-2 to keep pursuing the wind farm, attempt to place someone on the state wind farm […]

  • 13 December 2012

    Scottish homes would see significantly increased electricity bills if it becomes independent, because the country would bear the cost of renewable energy subsidies and infrastructure, which are now distributed across the United Kingdom, Energy Secretary Edward Davey said in his speech held at an energy conference organised by the Scotsman newspaper in Edinburgh. Following is […]

  • 22 January 2014
    Authorities, Business & Finance, Environment

    A reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 40% below the 1990 level, an EU-wide binding target for renewable energy of at least 27%, renewed ambitions for energy efficiency policies, a new governance system and a set of new indicators to ensure a competitive and secure energy system. These are the pillars of the new […]

  • 2 August 2012

    Now recognised as one of the world’s leading wind developers and Independent Renewable Power Producers (IRPP), wpd group has a staff of about 700 people around the world. Founded in 1996, wpd has been one of the key players in the wind sector right from its very inception, wpd has constructed and financed more than […]

  • 7 August 2013

    Offshore wind energy continues to experience an increasing share of the electricity generation market in Europe. Both the UK and Germany have set up ambitious goals to further expand their offshore wind energy capacity. Relatively smaller countries such as Belgium for example are also stepping up their offshore capacity and are investing in research projects […]

  • 31 January 2012
    Business & Finance

    SSE plc remains on course to deliver an increase in the dividend per share, an increase in adjusted profit before tax for the financial year to 31 March 2012 and to deliver on its key operational goals. This Interim Management Statement includes updates on operations, major projects, issues such as household customers’ energy consumption, other […]

  • 20 January 2022
    Business & Finance

    The following is a guest post by Westwood Global Energy Group’s Senior Analysts Michelle Gomez, Bahzad Ayoub and Ruth Chen. The offshore wind sector had another record-breaking year in 2021. Some 18.6 GW of capacity was put into operation – the industry’s highest level of annual capacity additions.   Mainland China’s push to bring capacity […]

  • 16 August 2011

      China Ming Yang Wind Power Group Limited (“Ming Yang” or the “Company”), a leading wind turbine manufacturer in China, today announced its unaudited financial results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2011.  Second Quarter 2011 Financial Highlights:  Total wind turbine generators (“WTGs”) commissioned amounted to an equivalent wind power projects output of 367.5MW, […]

  • 4 October 2017
    Wind Farm Update

    China’s largest offshore wind farm Huaneng Rudong 300MW – North started operating in the waters off eastern Jiangsu Province on 30 September, according to Chinese media.

  • 30 May 2017

    Damen Offshore Wind – Shipyards Gorinchem ASV 7017 The Accommodation Service Vessel 7017 builds on the experiences gained from the larger ASV9020 in a smaller, lower-cost package. It facilitates optimal logistics flows for carrying out maintenance and repairs for the offshore wind industry. The vessel is equipped with a motion-compensated gangwayand-elevator solution, 3D motion compensated […]