299 results found for 'Gode Wind 3 '

299 results found for 'Gode Wind 3 '
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  • 18 March 2015
    Grid Connection, R&D

    In “Beyond Integration: Three dynamics reshaping renewables and the grid”, a recent global industry research initiative, DNV GL gathered views from over 1,600 energy sector participants across more than 70 countries. The study addressed key questions on how to best move forward the integration of renewables into the global electricity grids to ensure the future […]

  • 2 June 2011
    Business & Finance

      Vestas Wind Systems A/S (Randers, Denmark) on March 30 announced the launch of its newest dedicated offshore turbine, called the V164-7.0 MW, with a rotor diameter of 164m/538 ft. According to Anders Søe-Jensen, president of Vestas Offshore, the offshore wind market is set to take off in the coming years, but more so in […]

  • 15 October 2012

    Spanish Mercurio Group found that attending the SeaWorks trade fair in Southampton lead to dedicated shipbuilding for the offshore wind industry. In 2011 they were commissioned by offshore logistics provider Tidal Transit to build two purpose built support vessels for this sector. The Ginny Louise arrived in December 2011 and started work on Greater Gabbard […]

  • 14 August 2012

    The offshore wind industry is very much dictated by large conglomerates. How is it for smaller companies to keep on their feet in this competitive environment when the stakes are not particular in their favour? Offshore WIND visited family-run towage and salvage company Otto Wulf GmbH and heard how the fourth generation Wulf is running […]

  • 15 August 2012
    Ports & Logistics

    The port of Emden is one of the largest ports in the federal state of Niedersachsen in Germany and located furthest west on the German coast, strategically near the deep waters of the North Sea and easily accessed by road and rail. Its main activities are the import and export of automobiles, forest products and […]

  • 6 October 2015

    The offshore wind industry is not really doing anything exceptional when it comes down to the basics. Wind turbine generators, WTGs, have been around onshore since one of the first electricity-generating wind turbines was built to power a holiday home in 1887 in Marykirk, Scotland. Offshore platforms were built in the early 20th century for […]

  • 3 October 2012
    Authorities, Technology

    New hydrokinetic energy technologies that generate electricity by harnessing the energy from ocean waves, tides, and river currents are advancing toward commercial development in the United States. They are not expected to add major power supplies anytime soon, but federal regulators this year approved licenses for two hydrokinetic energy projects to produce electricity from wave […]

  • 13 February 2014

    The announcement of the cancellation of the proposed Argyll Array on 11 th December last year, following on from similar news two weeks previously, concerning the Atlantic Array, in the Bristol Channel, both principally due to adverse ground conditions, has highlighted the critical importance of necessary, but ever-more cost effective, site investigation solutions for these […]

  • 1 June 2015

    Dutch offshore wind solutions provider Seawind has developed a novel 6.2MW two-bladed upwind turbine with a 126 metre rotor diameter, plus additional technology for bottom-fixed and floating installations together aimed at driving down the cost of energy decisively. Offshore WIND spoke with chief technical officer Silvestro Caruso about product design philosophy, dedicated technology features and […]

  • 5 September 2012

    At the SMM 2012, shipbuilding, machinery & marine technology international trade fair, 4 to 7 September 2012 in Hamburg, four Fraunhofer Institutes are exhibiting solutions that make it easier to plan and build seaports, termi­nals and ships – Hall B6, booth 317. As global flows of goods continue to rise, the demand also rises for […]

  • 6 October 2021

    By Dario Mulazzani, DAVI Product & Market Specialist Wind Energy & Heavy-Duty Division Located in such a dynamic and extremely powerful element as the sea, foundations represent one of the main elements of any off-shore wind farm which typically accounts for over one-fourth of the total equipment cost. Foundations must support the wind turbines by […]

  • 27 April 2012

    Pulse Tidal, the Sheffield based tidal power provider, has been awarded an Agreement for Lease by the Crown Estate for an area of seabed near to Lynmouth in Devon. The company plans to deploy a 1.2MW tidal power generating machine – England’s largest – in 2014, following consultation, environmental studies and permitting.  Pulse chief executive […]

  • 17 March 2014

    Tom Delay, CEO of the Carbon Trust, presented a diagnose of renewable energy sector’s weaknesses and proposed solutions to overcome them, in an article published at the organization’s official website. Here’s a thought.  If necessity is the motherhood of invention how come we are so far away from the wholesale deployment of low carbon energy technologies […]

  • 27 April 2015

    As the first anniversary of the creation of MHI Vestas Offshore Wind approaches the company looks back on a pretty good year as it lands its first commercial order for the much heralded V164-8.0 MW® and is named the preferred supplier for the Walney Extension project. The company has already seen employee numbers grow and […]

  • 29 December 2014

    While the industry is looking at ways to assemble a turbine onshore so it can be installed at sea in one operation, at the moment the common method still is to install it in several stages at sea. The foundations are installed first and followed by the tower and the WTG. Whether the foundations are […]

  • 1 August 2012

    Based on its recent analysis of the wave energy generation market, Frost & Sullivan recognizes Eco Wave Power with the 2012 European Frost & Sullivan Award for New Product Innovation for developing and implementing an all-round solution for effective energy harvesting from waves.  “Driven by the energy crisis around the globe, an escalation of activities […]

  • 14 October 2013

    Adapting its service offering to steer a move into the offshore wind industry has paid off for FoundOcean. Jim Bell, Managing Director, tells Offshore WIND that activity went from ‘zero to 60’ in just a year and as renewable energy demand increases, FoundOcean is confident that it can gear up for any future growth.  Established […]

  • 22 December 2015

    Transfers at sea have long been a problem and the safety of those involved is becoming an increasing consideration particularly because of the rapidly increasing numbers of people involved. The offshore wind farm owners and contractors alike have very strict H&S policies which other industries increasingly feel obliged to adopt as the renewable energy sector […]

  • 19 August 2010
    Business & Finance

    All-time high order intake. Results in line with expectations. Full-year guidance revised downwards. The second-quarter wind energy order intake was 3,031 MW, which was the highest level ever recorded and on a level with the order intake for the whole of 2009. Vestas generated second-quarter revenue of EUR 1,007m, a drop of 17 per cent […]

  • 12 June 2013

    Since April 2012 the wind farm support vessel industry has experienced success and failure, both large and small. 2012 will be remembered for the number of new vessels built and delivered to operators, but predominantly it will be the collapse of South Boats Special Projects in the autumn that shook this sector of the industry […]

  • 17 June 2020

    By Jakub Vastmans, Senior Manager Service Product Management at NKT In case of a submarine cable fault, many components necessary for a repair can be obtained from external contractors (e.g. fault-finding equipment, jointer team, cable vessel). The cable operator can further reduce the associated risks by setting up Repair Preparedness Plans (RPPs) and Service Level […]

  • 15 December 2014

    In the very first edition of Offshore WIND we reported on access systems as the means for safe transfers of personnel to offshore wind turbines. At that time it was still a relatively new topic in this industry. We discussed the systems by Dutch company Ampelmann Operations B.V. and by Offshore Solutions. Now, five years […]

  • 25 May 2010

    With the aim of promoting the sound development of China’s offshore wind industry, Chinese Renewable Energy Industries Association (CREIA), Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) and Shanghai International Exhibition Co., Ltd (SIEC), a subsidiary of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Shanghai Sub-council once again join forces to build Asia’s first professional platform focused […]

  • 5 October 2015

    The concept of using vessels as hotels, or floatels, accommodation vessels, or recently, SOVs, or whatever name you give them, has been available in the market for a while. With some of the current and more future projects being built further at sea in harsher sea states this concept is now gaining ‘ground’. Not only […]

  • 12 April 2018

    By: Jason Deign, for New Energy Update The US offshore wind sector ended 2017 on a slightly ironic note. Plans for Cape Wind, which was supposed to have been the country’s first offshore wind farm, were finally shuttered after a long period of uncertainty.[1] But prospects for the rest of the market looked better than […]

  • 11 April 2012

    LM Wind Power is the largest and most well-known blade manufacturer in the world but its origins are perhaps surprising. In an exclusive interview with Offshore WIND Peter Hansen, Senior Project Manager LM Wind Power, Technical Account, outlines the development of the offshore blade and the journey that took the company from making mobile fish […]