326 results found for 'International Ocean Group'

326 results found for 'International Ocean Group'
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  • 25 November 2011

    Ministers of the governments of Ireland, the UK, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey today called on the European Union to give its full backing to the development of the massive ocean energy resources that exist in these regions. The governments gave their support to a Member State Position Paper […]

  • 26 April 2012
    R&D, Technology

    Grand Valley State University and Michigan Technological University joined a public-private business in search for funding of the initial engineering and design of the new floating turbine technology for the Great Lakes, according to Associated Press. Lead agency, requesting funding from the Department of Energy, is Michigan Tech’s Great Lakes Research Center. Its group includes […]

  • 21 December 2010

    Wind-energy projects are starting to pop up in New Hampshire, but people hoping to see off-shore wind farms are still treading water. And if coastal development ever does ever occur, it will come with a sizable price tag. Projects proposed in Massachusetts and Rhode Island are expected to cost billions of dollars to build, as […]

  • 1 September 2020

    We bring you the ten most-read articles on OffshoreWIND.biz for the month of August 2020. Ørsted Recruiting 23 Offshore Wind Turbine Technicians Ørsted has launched a recruitment campaign for 23 wind turbine technicians, who will work out of the East Coast Hub in Grimsby on the company’s offshore wind farms, including Hornsea Project Two. Largest […]

  • 26 April 2021
    Authorities, Contracts & Tenders, Wind Farm Update

    Six companies and consortia are moving forward in France’s competitive tender to build a wind farm offshore Normandy. Back in January, France’s Commission de régulation de l’énergie (CRE) opened a competitive dialogue process to select the developer of the offshore wind farm off the Cotentin Peninsula. The six companies and consortia whose applications have been […]

  • 6 June 2022
    Authorities, Business & Finance, Environment, R&D

    The UK’s The Crown Estate has doubled its commitment to enable the coexistence of offshore wind farms with a marine environment through its Offshore Wind Evidence and Change Programme. Since the launch of the UK Government’s British Energy Security Strategy – which raises ambitions for offshore wind generation to achieve up to 50 GW by […]

  • 13 June 2022
    Business & Finance, Wind Farm Update

    Corio Generation, a portfolio company of Macquarie’s Green Investment Group, has revealed plans to develop five offshore wind projects in Brazil with a combined capacity of over 5 GW. Corio intends to develop the five five projects, subject to finalisation of documentation and regulatory approvals, alongside the Brazilian power generation company Servtec. Corio and Servtec […]

  • 20 January 2022
    Authorities, Wind Farm Update

    South Fork Wind, New York’s first offshore wind farm, has received the final decision from the federal level needed to move the project toward the start of construction as the US Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) has now given its final approval of the project’s Construction and Operations Plan (COP). […]

  • 28 January 2022

    Jump to: Making the Case for Offshore Wind Lease Sale 257 The District Court in Washington, D.C., has vacated the Department of Interior’s (DOI) decision to hold an offshore oil and gas lease sale following a lawsuit filed by four environmental groups, which argued that the environmental analysis that the administration relied on to hold the […]

  • 30 August 2013
    Authorities, Business & Finance, R&D, Technology

    As part of the Obama Administration’s all-of-the-above strategy to deploy every available source of American energy, the Energy Department today announced $16 million for seventeen projects help sustainably and efficiently capture energy from waves, tides and currents. Together, these projects will increase the power production and reliability of wave and tidal devices and help gather […]

  • 26 January 2022
    Authorities, Grid Connection

    The New York State Public Service Commission (PSC) has issued an order related to offshore wind transmission systems that modifies future offshore wind energy procurements to include options for connections through “meshed” grids and requires Consolidated Edison Company of New York Inc. (Con Edison) to submit details of a 5-6 GW onshore interconnection hub plan. […]

  • 12 January 2012

       GDF SUEZ, VINCI and CDC Infrastructure submitted yesterday their bids to the Government to develop offshore wind energy, further to a call for tenders covering an expanse off the coast of France, encompassing 3,000 MW of wind energy, from 2015. They are bidding on four of the five zones identified by the State as […]

  • 15 June 2022
    Contracts & Tenders, Operations & Maintenance, Wind Farm Update

    Equans has picked Miros’ dry-mounted Wavex virtual sensor to collect operation-critical wave and current data on the offshore substation for the Saint-Brieuc offshore wind farm, located around 16 kilometres off the coast of Brittany, France. Wavex is designed for highly accurate wave and current measurements that can calculate and display directional wave and surface current […]

  • 28 February 2014
    Authorities, Environment, R&D

    The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) yesterday published a final environmental review of geological and geophysical (G&G) survey activities off the Mid- and South Atlantic coast that establishes multiple mitigation measures designed to minimize the impacts to marine life while setting a path forward for survey activities that will update nearly four-decade-old data on […]

  • 19 November 2021
    Wind Farm Update

    Vineyard Wind has broken ground for its 806 MW Vineyard Wind 1 project in Barnstable, Massachusetts, setting the US on a road to its first commercial-scale offshore wind farm, which is also the first such project in the Americas region. The groundbreaking ceremony took place on 18 November at Covell’s Beach, where the offshore wind […]

  • 25 June 2014

    Okayama University’s Shinji Hiejima is looking for industrial partners to commercialize his experimentally proven and patented concept of the Hydro-VENUS system for converting tidal energy into electrical power. Research on converting tidal energy into electricity energy has a long history with the European Marine Energy Centre, in Scotland being one of the major international hubs […]

  • 5 May 2011

      Floating wind farms, ocean wave power, hydrofracking, and the state of climate science will be among the featured discussions at NYIT’s sixth annual Energy Conference on Thursday, June 2 at the NYIT de Seversky Mansion in Old Westbury. The conference, “Beyond Carbon: OffShore Energy and Technologies,” brings together government, business, industry, and academic experts […]

  • 22 November 2011

    The wind power resource off the Atlantic Ocean is huge. But harnessing that power—moving it from the coast to the places where it’s needed—is an equally huge challenge. A team led by Prof. Willett Kempton at the University of Delaware has received a $540,000 grant from the Department of Energy (DOE) to investigate some of […]

  • 1 October 2010
    Business & Finance

    SeaEnergy PLC today announces its results for the six months ended 30 June 2010. Operational highlights: Offshore activity on SeaEnergy’s Round 3 Zone 1 site at Moray Firth has commenced, with geophysical, met-ocean and bird surveys all underway. A consent application along with an Environmental Impact Assessment is due for submission in 2012. Arrangements with […]

  • 21 November 2018
    Business & Finance, Environment, Grid Connection, Ports & Logistics

    The New Bedford Port Authority has reached an agreement with all offshore wind developers operating in the Massachusetts/Rhode Island market to serve as the designated Fisheries Representative of the commercial fishing industry to each of the development companies.

  • 4 May 2022
    Environment, Wind Farm Update

    Ørsted is planning a world-first attempt to support coral reefs by growing corals on offshore wind turbine foundations. Together with Taiwanese partners, the company will test the concept in the tropical waters of Taiwan this summer. The aims are to determine whether corals can be successfully grown on offshore wind turbine foundations and to evaluate […]

  • 30 December 2020
    Business & Finance

    The Kitty Hawk offshore wind farm can be expected to deliver substantial economic growth and employment to Virginia and North Carolina, according to the project’s economic impact study (EIS), with nearly 1,000 jobs to be created once the wind farm is operational. Along with the USD 2 billion in economic impact between 2021 and 2030, […]

  • 3 April 2020
    Ports & Logistics

    Demolition works at the site of the former Brayton Point coal-fired power plant in Massachusetts, U.S., are nearing completion, with grading activities scheduled to start soon.

  • 1 June 2017
    Authorities, Business & Finance, Environment, Grid Connection, Operations & Maintenance, R&D, Technology, Training & Education, Vessels, Wind Farm Update

    Four Scottish Offshore Wind Projects Back in Business The Inner House of the Court of Session, Scotland’s supreme civil court, has overturned the ruling which halted further development of four wind projects with a total capacity of 2,284MW in the Firth of Forth and Firth of Tay. France Pre-Selects 10 Dunkerque Offshore Wind Bidders France’s […]

  • 11 October 2013

    As West of Duddon Sands, one of the largest European wind farms, nears completion, global maritime services company Royal Boskalis Westminster, the appointed Transport & Installation (T&I) contractor, reflects on this vast project. The T&I contractor faced technical, operational and logistical challenges, particularly because the wind farm was developed at several locations at the same time. However, despite this the […]

  • 27 December 2010

    A bill requiring utilities to enter into long-term purchasing agreements for wind-generated power is in the works for the 2011 General Assembly, with supporters and opponents getting ready to air the issue. Prince George’s County Sen. Paul Pinsky and Montgomery County Del. Tom Hucker, both Democrats, are planning to refile legislation similar to the ones […]