359 results found for 'coastal virginia offshore wind '

359 results found for 'coastal virginia offshore wind '
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  • 23 October 2018
    Business & Finance, Jobs & Recruitment, Operations & Maintenance, Ports & Logistics

    The next round of offshore wind projects coming from New Jersey and New York will come at a strike price which is higher than that of the 800MW Vineyard Wind project in Massachusetts, mainly due to the local content requirements, Liz Burdock, the President and CEO of the Business Network for Offshore Wind USA, said.

  • 22 October 2013

    Despite significant advancements in 2013, continued uncertainty regarding federal tax policy and lack of state-level incentives will, if left unchecked, present significant barriers to US offshore wind success. This is according to the North American division of PMSS, an experienced European offshore wind consultancy firm and a part of the TÜV SÜD group – one […]

  • 23 January 2015

    The U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) will hold a competitive lease sale auction for four wind energy areas on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) offshore Massachusetts on Thursday, January 29.  A mock auction for the eligible bidders will be held on Monday, January 26, when BOEM will contact each eligible bidder and provide instructions for participation. The monetary auction will begin at 8:30 a.m. […]

  • 26 January 2018

    On 24 January, Maine Governor Paul LePage issued an executive order setting up the Maine Wind Energy Advisory Commission and placing a moratorium on new permits to wind energy projects until the newly-established commission releases its report after studying the economic impact wind turbines have on tourism. 

  • 7 September 2023
    Fixed-Bottom, Project Updates

    Two offshore survey campaigns have been completed for SSE Renewables’ Arklow Bank Wind Park II offshore wind farm in Ireland. The surveys took place over an eight-week period during July and August. According to SSE Renewables, the surveys were completed on schedule despite unsettled weather conditions experienced over the last couple of months and were […]

  • 23 November 2015
    Authorities, Business & Finance, R&D, Technology

    The New England Aqua Ventus I offshore wind project will get an additional $3.7 million from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The University of Maine-led project, also known as Maine Aqua Ventus, will receive the funding to complete engineering and planning work, and approach financial close, in addition to $3 million awarded by DOE in September 2014 to advance the design to […]

  • 25 October 2013

    Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell delivered keynote remarks at the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) Offshore WINDPOWER Conference in Providence, Rhode Island on Tuesday, October 22, where she highlighted the important role of clean energy in the President’s Climate Action Plan and powering the economy. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell welcomed Rhode Island effort to […]

  • 3 December 2015
    Business & Finance

    Team Humber Marine Alliance (THMA), in partnership with UK Trade & Investment, will lead a Northern Powerhouse offshore wind-focused mission to the USA next spring. Working in tandem with UKTI, Team Humber and regional businesses will head for the east coast of the US from March 6-12, building on increasingly close ties. Companies from the […]

  • 3 June 2013

    The launch of “VolturnUS 1:8,” the first grid-connected floating offshore wind turbine to be deployed in the U.S., is “another signal of steady progress toward development of an American offshore wind industry,” according to Christopher Long, Manager of Offshore and Siting Policy for the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA). The floating turbine’s launch in Brewer, […]

  • 26 July 2012
    Authorities, Wind Farm Update

    The United States Government is on the edge of auctioning a total of 2,434 square miles area off the East Coast for development of offshore wind farms. The exact date of the auction is yet unfamiliar, however, it is expected by the end of this year. The biggest area to be leased is the one […]

  • 7 July 2010

    Second Offshore Summit in Rostock in September 2010: Knowledge Exchange Between Representatives of German and U.S. Government Agencies and International Offshore Experts The United States are starting to rely increasingly on ocean wind for energy generation. Last month, the “Atlantic Offshore Wind Energy Consortium” was established: U.S. Department of the Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and […]

  • 10 June 2021
    Authorities, Jobs & Recruitment

    North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper has issued an executive order calling for the development of 2.8 GW of offshore wind power by 2030, and 8 GW by 2040. The executive order highlights the economic and environmental benefits of offshore wind and directs actions to help North Carolina secure the jobs and economic development associated with […]

  • 27 September 2016
    Wind Farm Update

    LEEDCo, the developer of North America’s first freshwater offshore wind farm, has decided it will use six MHI Vestas Offshore Wind’s (MVOW’s) 3.45MW wind turbines for its Icebreaker project. When asked by Offshore WIND about the decision to switch from Siemens 3MW turbines, Lorry Wagner, President of the Lake Erie Energy Development Corporation (LEEDCo), said: “MVOW is our preferred supplier for Icebreaker, but […]

  • 18 January 2012

    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today released two nationwide resource assessments showing that waves and tidal currents off the nation’s coasts could contribute significantly to the United States’ total annual electricity production, further diversify the nation’s energy portfolio, and provide clean, renewable energy to coastal cities and communities. These new wave and tidal resource […]

  • 20 February 2020

    U.S. Congressman Max Rose has called on New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo to support the offshore wind development at Arthur Kill Terminal on Staten Island.

  • 12 August 2014

    The U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) has defined three Wind Energy Areas offshore North Carolina, which total approximately 307,590 acres, for potential commercial wind energy development. The Wind Energy Areas, announced yesterday by Interior Secretary Sally Jewell, include the Kitty Hawk Wind Energy Areas (about 122,405 acres), the Wilmington West Wind Energy Areas (about 51,595 […]

  • 15 July 2011
    Business & Finance, Operations & Maintenance

      Elia, the Belgian Transmission System Operator, joins Google, Marubeni, Good Energies and Atlantic Grid Investments (“AGI”) in the Atlantic Wind Connection project for the development of the first high voltage direct current (“HVDC”) offshore backbone in the U.S., that will enable the connection of 6.000 MW of offshore wind produced off the coasts of […]

  • 18 December 2013

    U.S. Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell and Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Director Tommy P. Beaudreau yesterday joined Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley to announce the proposed notice of sale for nearly 80,000 acres offshore Maryland for commercial wind energy leasing. BOEM identified the Maryland Wind Energy Area in consultation with members of its […]

  • 29 May 2014
    Authorities, Environment, R&D, Wind Farm Update

    As part of the Obama Administration’s Climate Action Plan to create American jobs, develop domestic clean energy sources and cut carbon pollution, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is seeking public comment as it prepares an Environmental Assessment (EA) to analyze potential impacts of a proposed wind energy demonstration project off the coast of […]

  • 11 December 2018

    A bill that would authorize offshore wind energy development in the Exclusive Economic Zone adjacent to US territories has passed the US House of Representatives.

  • 27 October 2015

    Biodiversity Research Institute (BRI) and collaborators announce the results of a three-year, multi-state project about birds, marine mammals, and sea turtle distributions and movements. The goal of this project was to improve the understanding of species composition and use of the mid-Atlantic marine environment in order to inform sustainable offshore development in the mid-Atlantic United States, […]

  • 30 September 2013

    As part of President Obama’s Climate Action Plan to create American jobs, cut carbon pollution, and develop domestic energy sources, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) issued a request to determine whether there is competitive interest in leasing an area offshore Oregon that Principle Power, Inc. has proposed for a pilot-scale floating wind energy […]

  • 14 October 2016
    Authorities, Business & Finance, Environment, R&D, Technology

    The U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) and the State of California held the inaugural meeting of the California Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Task Force in Sacramento on 13 October. The inaugural meeting established a common set of themes and objectives the task force will use to guide future collaboration and consultation among its members. The […]

  • 24 July 2012

    Today, 217 environmentalists, conservationists, clean energy advocates, businesses, and local and state officials from up and down the Atlantic Coast are united in calling for bold action to accelerate the development of offshore wind. The coalition released a letter to the Obama Administration to show strong support for progress made to date and to urge continued […]

  • 6 July 2012
    Environment, R&D

    Cape Wind has commenced a major geotechnical and geophysical survey operation as part of its construction design and engineering process and initial mobilization of the project on Horseshoe Shoal in Nantucket Sound.  This multi-million dollar offshore program begins tomorrow and will continue through September / October, involving up to 50 scientists, engineers, archeologists and geologists […]

  • 11 August 2017
    Authorities, Business & Finance, Environment

    Fifty elected officials, small businesses, community groups, and environmental organizations from North Carolina sent a letter to Governor Roy Cooper calling on him to embrace offshore wind as a key part of the state’s energy plan.