625 results found for 'Arcadis Ost I '

625 results found for 'Arcadis Ost I '
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  • 18 June 2018
    Business & Finance, Contracts & Tenders

    SeaRoc Group has delivered three offshore wind consultancy projects in South East Asia.

  • 14 February 2013

    A tidal energy platform specialist, Sustainable Marine Energy (SME), working closely with Cranfield University, has completed a £150k SEIS eligible funding round which was corner-stoned by a £133k investment by a London Business Angels (LBA) syndicate, including a £40k investment by the LBA SEIS Roundtable Syndicate Fund 2012. The company is bringing an innovative platform […]

  • 9 May 2017

    At a meeting held on 8 May, the Board of Directors of Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy appointed Markus Tacke as the company’s new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) with Michael Hannibal, previously CEO of the offshore division at Siemens Wind Power, now CEO of Siemens Gamesa’s offshore business.

  • 13 March 2014

    SgurrEnergy met with Rt Hon Dr Vince Cable MP, secretary of state for business, innovation and skills, today to discuss the company’s role of innovation in the offshore renewable energy industry. The meeting is part of Dr Cable’s visit to Glasgow to open the UK Government funded Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult, established to drive technology […]

  • 20 November 2020

    Lithuanian Minister of Energy Žygimantas Vaičiūnas and Flemish Minister of Energy Zuhal Demir signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on 19 November, agreeing to promote renewable energy and identify joint opportunities, especially in offshore wind in the Baltic Sea. Under the MOU, Lithuania and Flanders will explore and realise joint investments in renewable energy initiatives […]

  • 28 May 2012

    The Prime Minister David Cameron made the case for clean energy in the UK and globally as he addressed delegates at the Clean Energy Ministerial being held in Central London. Speaking to energy ministers from 23 leading economies, and alongside a series of government and commercial announcements, the Prime Minister said:  “There are huge challenges […]

  • 11 November 2016

    Since the last time we looked at the status of Germany’s offshore wind industry only two years ago in July 2014, the number of operational offshore wind turbines has jumped from just 141 capable of producing 616MW to 835 grid connected turbines capable of 3,552MW in July 2016 and another 54 installed turbines not yet […]

  • 23 October 2012
    Training & Education

    In just under two months’ time over 100 health and safety managers from the offshore wind industry will be meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark, to discuss safety culture, access options and training. Wind Energy Update (WEU) host their annual Offshore Wind Health and Safety Summit this December at Copenhagen’s Marriot Hotel (December 5-6, 2012). The leading […]

  • 21 August 2014
    Business & Finance, R&D, Technology

    4NRg has secured £42k of grant funding from the Supply Chain innovation for Offshore Renewable Energy (SCORE) programme for their innovative desalination unit. Research and development specialist 4NRg focuses on the renewable energy sector and in particular coming up with innovative or novel solutions to difficult engineering problems. In this case 4NRg has been awarded […]

  • 12 July 2022
    R&D, Wind Farm Update

    Fugro has completed a geotechnical site investigation at the IJmuiden Ver (Noord) V and VI offshore wind farm sites in the Dutch North Sea for the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), as part of the geophysical survey package the company was awarded earlier this year. Fugro worked from a third-party vessel and deployed its new Blue […]

  • 24 May 2016
    Business & Finance, R&D, Training & Education

    MHI Vestas Offshore Wind has sent two members of its executive management team to New Orleans to share the lessons learnt from over two decades of experience in erecting offshore wind farms in Europe with their American colleagues during the WINDPOWER 2016 conference organised by the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA). The offshore market in the US is on […]

  • 15 July 2011
    Operations & Maintenance, R&D

      Alpine Ocean Seismic Survey, a provider of marine surveying and data collection services, announces the following changes to its executive leadership: Robert Mecarini has been promoted to President of the company, and Gino Mecarini assumed the role of Chairman. This planned succession enables Robert to take on all day-to-day responsibilities of the company, and […]

  • 13 December 2011

    At 8 & 9 December 2011, the Business Offshore Conference took place in Hamburg. Organized by Schiff&Hafen I Ship&Offshore, the first edition of the conference welcomed 140 delegates at the Hotel Hafen. The group of delegates consisted of German offshore professionals as well as delegates coming from the United Kingdom, the United States, Denmark and […]

  • 15 July 2016

    The new UK Prime Minister, Theresa May, has reshuffled the cabinet and shut down the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), with the issues formerly dealt with by the DECC now being part of a newly set up Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, which will be led by Greg Clark. On his appointment as Secretary […]

  • 17 December 2013

    This year’s EWEA Offshore in Frankfurt served as an excellent opportunity for Offshore WIND team to meet with industry leaders, including Bladt Industries. The company recently joined DONG Energy’s Gode Wind project, and we wanted to find out a little bit more about this large contract from Bladt Industries’ Tenna Horby. When asked to give […]

  • 15 July 2013

    GRS German Renewables Shipbrokers, Marineco and Sure Wind announce the Sale of Marineco Shamal to Sure Wind this 1st of July 2013. GRS has developed and arranged the sale of Marineco Shamal from UK based Marineco to UK based Sure Wind Marine. The delivery took place on the 1st of July 2013 and the vessel […]

  • 9 August 2012

    Critics, who argue that both on and offshore wind energy will remain cost intensive, will be proven wrong. That is the opinion of Andreas Reuter, Director at Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy and Energy Systems North-West. The research institute for wind energy and energy system technology is focussed on wind and solar energy and the integration of renewable energies into energy supply […]

  • 16 July 2013

    EYEMOUTH HARBOUR TRUST (EHT) announced the award of a contract to Scottish consultancy Caithness Renewables Ltd for the development of a marketing plan, as part of its strategy to explore potential opportunities for diversification of the port’s activities and so ensure its long-term sustainability for the benefit of all stakeholders. The marketing plan will identify […]

  • 7 June 2023
    Business development, Industry

    A new report from Invest in Pomerania, a Polish investment promotion initiative in the Pomerania region, has been published with a focus on the region’s maritime sector and, within it, the region’s growing offshore wind industry and supply chain capabilities have taken centre stage. “When we decided that the subject of the next FOCUS ON […]

  • 5 August 2013

    As Gamesa sees its prototype offshore wind turbine produce its first kilowatt hours in the next few weeks what are the Spanish company’s expectations for the offshore wind industry? Headquartered in Vizcaya, Spain and with its offshore wind base in London, Gamesa now employs 6,500 people world wide and it has a presence in more than 50 countries, along with manufacturing centres in Spain, China, India, […]

  • 18 October 2011

      Pelamis Wave Power has appointed Per Hornung Pedersen as Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Pedersen joins Pelamis with an immediate goal of fulfilling demand from the company’s three major customers, E.ON, Scottish Power Renewables and Vattenfall, who are actively developing commercial projects for Pelamis machines and have lodged enquiries for significant orders of wave energy […]

  • 25 June 2013

    Scott Wharton, a North Devon skipper with 29 years’ experience fishing in the Bristol Channel, has joined the CWind boat share scheme taking on a new CTruk 20T vessel due for launch in mid-July. The vessel, which like all CTruk’s proven resin composite 20T MPCs, delivers a very cost-effective package, including class leading fuel efficiency […]

  • 25 April 2016
    Business & Finance

    Sembmarine SLP hopes it will win a contract for the offshore substation for the East Anglia ONE offshore wind project.  At an event celebrating the completion and delivery of the offshore substation for the Dudgeon offshore wind farm, the company issued a rallying campaign call to the East of England energy industry. Paul Thomson, managing director […]

  • 20 October 2016
    Business & Finance, Grid Connection

    Rob van der Hage, Business Manager Offshore at TenneT Netherlands, will be one of the panellists in the closing discussion on short and long term potential at the Offshore WIND Conference and has provided an insight into the sector from an interesting point of view – that of an electricity transmission system operator. Regarding his […]

  • 11 April 2013

    DONG Energy and Siemens AG have entered into agreements securing potential supplies and servicing of a total of 154 offshore wind turbines of 6 megawatt each, giving a total capacity of 924 megawatt. The agreements give DONG Energy the option to install the turbines on its Gode Wind projects in Germany from 2015. Utilisation of […]

  • 14 July 2015

    A Plaid Cymru government will deliver 100% of Wales’ electricity from renewables, the party’s Shadow Energy Minister Llyr Gruffydd has announced. He said that the Party of Wales will publish a route map towards generating 100% of Wales’ electricity needs from renewables by 2035 within 100 days of a Plaid Cymru government. The party’s Shadow […]