358 results found for 'Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind'

358 results found for 'Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind'
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  • 15 July 2011
    Operations & Maintenance, R&D, Training & Education

      Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE) Director Michael R. Bromwich delivered opening remarks at the bureau’s Atlantic Wind Energy Workshop in Herndon, Va. The bureau hosted the three-day workshop as part of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of the Interior and the Deparment of Energy to coordinate environmental monitoring […]

  • 7 September 2018
    Authorities, Environment

    The US House Committee on Natural Resources has unanimously passed the Offshore Wind for Territories Act that would amend federal law to authorize offshore wind energy development in the Exclusive Economic Zone adjacent to all five US territories. The Natural Resources Committee has unanimously reported the bill to the full House of Representatives for consideration. […]

  • 12 April 2018

    By: Jason Deign, for New Energy Update The US offshore wind sector ended 2017 on a slightly ironic note. Plans for Cape Wind, which was supposed to have been the country’s first offshore wind farm, were finally shuttered after a long period of uncertainty.[1] But prospects for the rest of the market looked better than […]

  • 9 March 2020

    The US is expecting to create a whole manufacturing industry which will grow on the back of investments, contracts, manufacturing, jobs and services, for the OW sector. Written by Julian Jackson for New Energy Update by Reuters Events How Likely Is This? In the longer term it is obvious that having significant manufacturing capacity in coastal US […]

  • 17 August 2012

    Wind power is the world’s leading source of renewable electricity, excluding hydropower, with 238,000 megawatts of capacity installed at the start of 2012. Thus far, almost all of this wind power has been tapped on land; worldwide just 4,600 megawatts of offshore wind farms were operating as of mid-2012. Offshore wind capacity is growing quickly, […]

  • 2 February 2011
    Business & Finance

    Today, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement Director Michael R. Bromwich delivered remarks at the Second Annual Offshore Wind Power North America Conference in Boston, Mass. Director Bromwich discussed the current status of offshore renewable energy projects, how the reorganization of the former Minerals Management Service will affect future offshore renewable energy projects […]

  • 3 June 2016
    Authorities, Business & Finance

    U.S. Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell has announced the proposed lease sale of 81,130 acres offshore New York for commercial wind energy leasing. The proposed lease area, approximately 11 miles south of Long Island, is identical to the New York Wind Energy Area, which Interior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) identified earlier this year […]

  • 20 February 2019

    US Senators Bill Cassidy and Brian Schatz (D-HI) have introduced the Offshore Wind for Territories Act, bipartisan legislation authorizing offshore wind energy development in the exclusive economic zones adjacent to US territories American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. Currently, the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA) does not allow […]

  • 18 June 2014

    Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell and Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Acting Director Walter Cruickshank joined Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick to announce more than 742,000 acres offshore Massachusetts will be available for commercial wind energy leasing. The proposed area is the largest in federal waters and will nearly double the federal offshore acreage […]

  • 29 September 2010

    The strong winds off the Atlantic Ocean could become a cost-effective way to power much of the East Coast — especially North and South Carolina, Delaware, Massachusetts, New Jersey and Virginia, a new study released Tuesday says.

  • 12 December 2012

    In a first of its kind collaboration, a coalition of leading environmental organizations and offshore wind developers has agreed to a series of voluntary measures that will protect critically endangered North Atlantic right whales, while helping to expedite responsible offshore wind development, in the Mid-Atlantic. Building upon proposed federally mandated protections, the Conservation Law Foundation […]

  • 15 April 2019

    The Jones Act in US offshore wind: challenge or opportunity? The Jones Act, long seen as a challenge for the US offshore wind industry, could potentially be an opportunity for the sector, experts have said. “I like to look at the Jones Act as an incentive for shipyards, not an impediment,” said Joan Bondareff, chair […]

  • 6 October 2010

    Gamesa, a global technology leader in the wind energy business (through its U.S. based subsidiary), and the Newport News Shipbuilding operations of Northrop Grumman Corporation, a leading American defence company and America’s largest shipbuilder, have signed an agreement to work together on offshore wind technology. The agreement calls for the companies to cooperate on the […]

  • 15 May 2012

    Continuing its significant momentum supporting offshore wind energy and transmission, the Department of Interior declared there to be no competitive interest for the use of certain areas of the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) to construct an offshore transmission system being proposed by the Atlantic Wind Connection (AWC). After a year of intensive internal and […]

  • 2 February 2022

    Offshore wind turbines are growing in size as technology advances and demand for renewable energy soars but installing them could be a headache for operators as demand will outpace the supply of capable vessels by 2024, Rystad Energy research shows. Operators will have to invest in new vessels or upgrade existing ones to install the […]

  • 18 August 2011

    As part of Interior’s “Smart from the Start” offshore wind energy initiative to spur rapid and responsible siting, leasing and construction of new wind projects, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar and Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE) Director Michael R. Bromwich today announced the initial steps to develop commercial wind energy […]

  • 26 June 2014
    Authorities, Business & Finance

    The Crown Estate, an independent commercial business, created by Act of Parliament, has today announced another record return for the benefit of the public finances and an overall performance which is significantly ahead of the market, as its portfolio value hits an all-time high. Results summary Record return to Treasury for the benefit of the public finances:£267.1 […]

  • 9 October 2012

    With offshore wind having become a busy and fast emerging business over the past few years, in which money seems to be present in abundance, the industry seems to be blind for lessons learned. Even to the point that fatal accidents have been accepted at a very early stage, in the development phase. Recent fatalities […]

  • 8 May 2018

    By Jason Deign, for New Energy Update There is one subject that all commentators on the US offshore wind industry agree on: the sector is going to undergo rapid expansion over the next decade. What does provoke argument is the likely scale of this growth, and the relative importance of the factors that are going to […]

  • 30 August 2013
    Authorities, Business & Finance, R&D, Technology

    As part of the Obama Administration’s all-of-the-above strategy to deploy every available source of American energy, the Energy Department today announced $16 million for seventeen projects help sustainably and efficiently capture energy from waves, tides and currents. Together, these projects will increase the power production and reliability of wave and tidal devices and help gather […]