900 results found for 'Baltic 2'

900 results found for 'Baltic 2'
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  • 10 December 2021
    Grid Connection, Wind Farm Update

    The second of the three 220 kV export cable systems for the Ostwind 2 project in the German Baltic Sea has been laid, 50Hertz Transmission GmbH said. This brings the connection of the Baltic Eagle offshore wind farm another step closer, the German transmission system operator said. The third and final cable is to be […]

  • 31 May 2023
    Grid Connection, Wind Farm Update

    50Hertz has completed the pull-in of two 220 kV subsea cable systems into Iberdrola’s Baltic Eagle platform. The two 220 kV subsea cable systems were previously laid on the seabed in a safe area next to the destination of the substation platform. In February of this year, the substation platform was installed at its intended […]

  • 2 September 2022
    Contracts & Tenders, Wind Farm Update

    Ramboll and COWI have won the tender to deliver integrated geological models for offshore wind farms related to Denmark’s energy islands. The tender was launched by Danish transmission system operator Energinet in April and divided into two lots. One lot was dedicated for the 3 GW offshore wind farm in the North Sea and one for […]

  • 17 August 2012
    Ports & Logistics

    The Port of Rostock is Germany’s largest and the deepest port in the Southern part of the Baltic Sea. It was near the Port of Rostock where the first German commercial offshore wind farm, EnBW Baltic 1, was erected in 2010 and it also served as one of the base ports for Kriegers Flak. Although […]

  • 26 July 2023
    Collaboration, Contracts & Tenders, Outlook & Strategy, Wind Farm Update

    Abu Dhabi-based Masdar has signed a strategic partnership with Iberdrola to co-invest in the 476 MW Baltic Eagle offshore wind farm in the German Baltic Sea. According to the terms of the deal, the Baltic Eagle wind farm is valued at approximately EUR 1.6 billion. Under the agreement, Iberdrola will control and manage the asset, […]

  • 16 November 2022
    Contracts & Tenders, Operations & Maintenance, Wind Farm Update

    ABL Group has signed a framework agreement to provide engineering and marine services to support the construction as well as operations & maintenance (O&M) campaigns for Iberdrola’s German offshore wind farms. Iberdrola has awarded the framework agreement to ABL’s local operation in Germany, specifically a four-year (3+1) agreement for the Baltic Eagle offshore wind farm […]

  • 15 June 2022
    Grid Connection, Operations & Maintenance, Wind Farm Update

    Parkwind and 50Hertz have installed the offshore substation for the 257 MW Arcadis Ost 1 offshore wind farm in the Baltic Sea. The 2,380-tonne, 30-metre high offshore substation was installed by the Scaldis crane ship Gulliver on its monopile foundation at the project site, located around 19 kilometres east of Rügen island in Germany. The […]

  • 25 May 2020
    Ports & Logistics

    Port of Roenne has welcomed Danish government’s plan to make the island of Bornholm in the Baltic Sea an energy island, facilitating the connection of 2 GW of offshore wind capacity. “We are pleased that Bornholm has been appointed by the Government to become an energy island, that a 2 GW offshore wind farm is […]

  • 21 April 2021
    Grid Connection, Vessels

    NKT’s new cable barge NKT Agrippina has been loaded with a cable section for the offshore wind connection project Ostwind 2 in the German part of the Baltic Sea and will soon set out on its maiden trip after being christened on 20 April. The vessel has been specially designed to transport offshore power cables […]

  • 20 January 2022
    Contracts & Tenders, Grid Connection, Operations & Maintenance

    Denmark’s Energinet has awarded MMT with a contract to carry out cable route surveys at the planned energy island in the Baltic Sea and associated offshore wind projects. The Energy Island, located on the island of Bornholm, some 15 kilometres offshore, will connect Germany and Denmark to an offshore hub with around 2 GW of […]

  • 31 March 2021
    Contracts & Tenders, Grid Connection

    Energinet has issued a tender seeking floating lidar measurements for the areas where the Danish energy islands and accompanying offshore wind farms are set to be built. The tender is divided into four lots, with the first two concerning atmospheric and oceanographic measurements for project areas in the North Sea. The second two lots are […]

  • 13 June 2022
    Grid Connection, Wind Farm Update

    The Arcadis Ost 1 offshore substation topside has set sail from Bladt Industries’ yard in Aalborg, Denmark towards the Rügen island in the German Baltic Sea. The Arcadis Ost 1 substation will form the backbone of 50Hertz’s Ostwind 2 offshore grid connection in the German Baltic Sea together with the 500 MW substation for Iberdrola’s […]

  • 20 May 2020
    Authorities, Business & Finance

    The Danish government is proposing to build two energy islands in the North and Baltic Seas by 2030 in its Climate Action Plan. The plan includes using the Bornholm island in the Baltic Sea as a 2 GW energy island, as well as establishing a 2 GW artificial energy island in the North Sea that […]

  • 15 January 2019
    Contracts & Tenders, Grid Connection, Operations & Maintenance

    The Denmark-based Peter Madsen Rederi (PMR) has won a contract by 50Hertz to provide boulder clearance at the Ostwind 2 grid connection project in the German Baltic Sea.  The project comprises boulder clearance and extensive survey works at the three cable routes which will connect the Arcadis Ost 1 and Baltic Eagle offshore wind farms to the German […]

  • 20 September 2021
    Authorities, Grid Connection

    Danish transmission system operator Energinet has awarded Fugro Norway AS a floating measurements contract for the Energy Islands and offshore wind farms in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. Under the contract, which is divided into four Lots, two for works in the North Sea and two for works in the Baltic Sea, Fugro […]

  • 17 June 2021
    Contracts & Tenders

    Ireland-based offshore engineering consultancy Gavin & Doherty Geosolutions (GDG) will be providing geoscience advisory and engineering consultancy services for the Baltica 1 offshore wind project in Poland. Under a contract with the developer PGE Baltica, GDG’s scope of work for the offshore wind farm includes ground modelling development support, survey management, and general engineering support in […]

  • 20 October 2015

    The boat building specialist Mainstay Marine Solutions has delivered the 20m vessel Porth Nefyn to transfer vessel operator Turbine Transfers. The Porth Nefyn will work principally on offshore European wind farm sites between the Baltic and Irish Seas. The vessel is an extended version of the existing 18m CE class vessel Porth Eilian. It has […]

  • 29 January 2016
    Grid Connection

    The Danish Energy Agency (DEA), Energinet.dk, and Kriegers Flak tenderers will hold a meeting on 2 February.  They will discuss grid connection, platforms and technical issues regarding the 600MW offshore wind farm in the Baltic Sea. The DEA has prequalified seven companies and consortia to participate in the tender for the project. The decision of the winner is expected […]

  • 1 March 2022
    Business & Finance

    Belgian electricity transmission operator Elia Group has approved the establishment of a new subsidiary, WindGrid, which will focus on the international market for offshore grid infrastructure. According to Elia Group, WindGrid is a logical step in its expansion since Europe and other markets are expected to make substantial investments in the offshore grid and renewable […]

  • 21 January 2011

    Plans to explore linking up green energy projects in the North, Baltic and Irish Seas were backed by Prime Minister David Cameron today as part of the UK-Baltic-Nordic Summit held in London. The Prime Minister announced that Energy Ministers will work together through the North Seas Offshore Grid Initiative and share experience with Ministers in […]

  • 7 November 2022
    Contracts & Tenders, Grid Connection, Wind Farm Update

    German transmission system operator (TSO) 50Hertz has issued a contract notice seeking a submarine and land cable system for the OST-6-1 grid connection in the Baltic Sea. The contract covers the design, engineering, construction, supply, installation, burial, handling, and commissioning of the 220 kV submarine and land cable systems from the onshore substation i.R. Gnewitz […]

  • 8 November 2019

    The Polish Ministry of Energy has prepared a draft bill supporting the development of offshore wind energy. According to the Polish Ministry of Energy, the draft is now set for further legislative work by the government followed by the public consultations phase. The ministry said it began working on developing a dedicated act that supports […]

  • 24 June 2022
    Operations & Maintenance, R&D

    Denmark-based Port of Roenne has announced a new study that will investigate the possibility of using renewable energy from the upcoming Bornholm Energy Island in the Baltic Sea, to produce green fuels on Bornholm. The study will be led by Port of Roenne and will include a number of local and national partners such as […]

  • 12 August 2015
    Business & Finance

    The German energy company, E.ON, has posted half-year EBITDA of €4.3 billion, 13 per cent lower than the same period last year, and underlying net income dropped 21 per cent year-on-year to €1.2 billion. The reduction in EBITDA is primarily attributable to a further decline in wholesale electricity prices, lower oil prices, and a weak […]

  • 21 July 2022
    R&D, Wind Farm Update

    Two buoys with specialised equipment have been deployed at two predefined locations in the Baltic Sea, as part of a contract signed between Lithuania’s Ministry of Energy and the Spain-based EOLOS Floating LiDAR Solutions. The anchoring of the buoys was carried out by the Lithuanian Garant Diving company, together with the Spanish specialists. For one […]

  • 5 January 2014

    Seven UK’s OW Projects Get Draft Investment Contracts At the beginning of this month, the UK’s Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) published a list of 16 renewable energy projects which achieved the Phase 2 minimum threshold evaluation criteria. International Connection in Baltic Sea Scandinavia and Central Europe are about to connect their offshore […]