444 results found for 'gode wind 1 '

444 results found for 'gode wind 1 '
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  • 8 February 2012

    Ocean Energy Limited, Ireland’s leading wave energy company, is working with Wave Hub, the world’s largest grid connected offshore marine energy test site, to deploy its technology at the site later this year. Cork-based Ocean Energy, in collaboration with its partner Dresser-Rand, one of the largest global suppliers of custom-engineered rotating equipment solutions, expects to […]

  • 1 June 2015

    Dutch offshore wind solutions provider Seawind has developed a novel 6.2MW two-bladed upwind turbine with a 126 metre rotor diameter, plus additional technology for bottom-fixed and floating installations together aimed at driving down the cost of energy decisively. Offshore WIND spoke with chief technical officer Silvestro Caruso about product design philosophy, dedicated technology features and […]

  • 20 June 2011

    If you’ve ever been surfing, or gone swimming in choppy water, you’ve experienced first-hand the striking power of waves. In fact, further offshore, wave activity becomes even more powerful, making it an excellent resource for generating clean, renewable energy. That’s exactly what the Department of Energy and its partner Ocean Power Technologies (OPT) are working […]

  • 23 December 2021
    Business & Finance

    Offshore wind projects coming online in 2021 are getting revenues that are on a EUR per MWh basis on average 55 per cent lower than in 2014, according to Wood Mackenzie. And the most recent bids and WoodMac’s projection show that revenues in 2025 will be 25 per cent lower than in 2021, the energy […]

  • 26 June 2023
    Wind Farm Update

    Ørsted and BP have reached an agreement on the previously disputed overlap area between the Hornsea Four offshore wind farm and the Endurance carbon storage site, developed by the Northern Endurance Partnership (NEP) that gathers BP, Equinor and TotalEnergies. Quick overview: Ørsted submitted an application for the development consent order (DCO) for the 2.6 GW […]

  • 18 April 2013

    The rapid expansion of renewable technologies is one of the few bright spots in an otherwise bleak assessment of global progress towards low-carbon energy, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said in an annual report to the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) yesterday. “The drive to clean up the world’s energy system has stalled,” IEA Executive Director […]

  • 31 July 2012

    Sandia National Laboratories’ wind energy researchers are re-evaluating vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs) to help solve some of the problems of generating energy from offshore breezes. Though VAWTs have been around since the earliest days of wind energy research at Sandia and elsewhere, VAWT architecture could transform offshore wind technology. The economics of offshore windpower […]

  • 1 October 2013

    Ocean Power Technologies, Inc. (“OPT” or “the Company”) announced the successful in-ocean operation of an acoustic sonar system integrated with its APB-350 Autonomous PowerBuoy®, marking an important expansion of the system’s maritime surveillance capabilities. In addition to the sonar’s ability to detect sub-surface vessels, the three-week demonstration off the coast of New Jersey under a […]

  • 6 October 2021

    By Dario Mulazzani, DAVI Product & Market Specialist Wind Energy & Heavy-Duty Division Located in such a dynamic and extremely powerful element as the sea, foundations represent one of the main elements of any off-shore wind farm which typically accounts for over one-fourth of the total equipment cost. Foundations must support the wind turbines by […]

  • 24 November 2011

    Vestas has announced that the nacelles for prototype and pre-series versions of their new dedicated offshore turbine, the V164-7.0 MW, will be assembled at Lindø, Denmark. For these purposes, Vestas has signed a fixed period business lease agreement with Lindø Industrial Park. The agreement, which takes effect on 1 January 2012, covers the lease of […]

  • 7 September 2015

    Certainly there have been huge advances in offshore wind’s safety record, as it emerges from being somewhat of a ‘klondike’ industry in the early days. But there is still room for improvement, Martin Kjaer Mogensen, DONG Energy’s Senior Manager HSE, Centre of Excellence Wind Power, comments as he reflects on DONG Energy’s own Health and […]

  • 15 October 2012

    Spanish Mercurio Group found that attending the SeaWorks trade fair in Southampton lead to dedicated shipbuilding for the offshore wind industry. In 2011 they were commissioned by offshore logistics provider Tidal Transit to build two purpose built support vessels for this sector. The Ginny Louise arrived in December 2011 and started work on Greater Gabbard […]

  • 15 October 2015

    On October 1 and 2, 2015, the University of Maine hosted the inaugural “Matthew R. Simmons Memorial Summit: A Technology Roadmap for Floating Offshore Wind.” The summit gathered information from various perspectives of platform designers, researchers, turbine OEMs, permitting agencies, and developers with the goal of producing a roadmap that advances the floating offshore wind. […]

  • 24 February 2012

    UK wind farm service provider Enviroserve Ltd announces that it has ordered two 24 metre wind farm catamarans, from French work boat builder Navalu. The first boat will be named Sea Fox in keeping with the theme on Enviroserve’s other vessels. The first vessel is to be launched in January 2013. Working in close collaboration […]

  • 24 November 2015

    At this year’s EWEA, Offshore WIND took the opportunity to interview Rajai Aghabi, CEO of EOLOS Floating Lidar Solutions, a newly launched company specializing in floating wind lidars. Offshore WIND: How did EOLOS Floating Lidar Solutions enter the offshore wind market? Was the cooperation with KIC InnoEnergy crucial in launching your company? Rajai Aghabi: EOLOS came […]

  • 16 October 2012
    Environment, R&D

    In just the last year, New York State began developing at least 25 percent of the alternative electricity sources necessary to replace the Indian Point nuclear power plant, according to a new report released today by the Natural Resources Defense Council and Riverkeeper. The report also provides a detailed roadmap for fully and cost-effectively replacing […]

  • 15 August 2012
    Ports & Logistics

    The port of Emden is one of the largest ports in the federal state of Niedersachsen in Germany and located furthest west on the German coast, strategically near the deep waters of the North Sea and easily accessed by road and rail. Its main activities are the import and export of automobiles, forest products and […]

  • 3 October 2012
    Authorities, Technology

    New hydrokinetic energy technologies that generate electricity by harnessing the energy from ocean waves, tides, and river currents are advancing toward commercial development in the United States. They are not expected to add major power supplies anytime soon, but federal regulators this year approved licenses for two hydrokinetic energy projects to produce electricity from wave […]

  • 21 February 2013

    The Nordic Baltic group of shipyards, part of the BLRT Grupp, cannot be accused of acting as an old age pensioner, despite its 100 year history. The group follows the various developments in the wind energy market with interest and is ideally placed in Denmark, Germany, Norway and the UK, where it is all happening.  “Customers come to us because they prefer customised […]

  • 24 June 2013

    When working in the rope access sector of the offshore wind industry it is not only an advantage not to be sea sick but also not to have a fear of heights and confined spaces. The rope access companies not only send their workers offshore in support vessels, but they also require that their workers carry out their […]

  • 22 July 2011

    Cape Wind, the offshore wind farm famous for its 10-year fight against Cape Cod’s most prominent NIMBYs, will likely be the first U.S. project in federal waters. But there are three smaller pilot projects slated for state waters off Rhode Island, New Jersey and Ohio that are more likely to settle regulatory, permitting and finance […]

  • 7 August 2012

    As part of President Obama’s ‘all-of-the-above’ strategy to responsibly develop America’s domestic energy resources, the Department of the Interior and the Department of Defense are teaming up to strengthen the nation’s energy security and reduce military utility costs. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar have signed a Memorandum of […]

  • 10 October 2016

    John Verdonk Business Unit Manager Offshore Temporary Living Quarters at Seafox As wind farms go further and further offshore into more challenging waters and harsher environments, the industry is developing a number of solutions to cope with the demands of the wind farm’s initial construction period and following on from that, Operations & Maintenance activities. […]

  • 9 October 2014

    The Dutch National Energy Report reveals that the objectives for renewable energy and energy savings have not yet been achieved, but the climate objective has, and employment in the energy sector is shifting from fossil fuels to renewable energy and savings.  Thanks to energy savings and the increasing production of renewable energy, greenhouse gas emissions […]

  • 26 June 2014
    Authorities, Business & Finance

    The Crown Estate, an independent commercial business, created by Act of Parliament, has today announced another record return for the benefit of the public finances and an overall performance which is significantly ahead of the market, as its portfolio value hits an all-time high. Results summary Record return to Treasury for the benefit of the public finances:£267.1 […]

  • 19 August 2010
    Business & Finance

    All-time high order intake. Results in line with expectations. Full-year guidance revised downwards. The second-quarter wind energy order intake was 3,031 MW, which was the highest level ever recorded and on a level with the order intake for the whole of 2009. Vestas generated second-quarter revenue of EUR 1,007m, a drop of 17 per cent […]