900 results found for 'Baltic 2'

900 results found for 'Baltic 2'
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  • 7 May 2020
    Business & Finance, Grid Connection

    Eurogrid GmbH, the parent company of 50Hertz, has issued its debut green bond in the amount of EUR 750 million, which will finance the Ostwind 1 and 2 grid connections in Germany. The corporate bond with a term of 12 years and an interest rate of 1.113% was issued on the regulated market with the […]

  • 31 May 2017

    Cemre Marin Endüstri has ordered four MAN 8L21/31 variable-speed GenSets for a wind service operation vessel (WSOV) currently under construction at the Turkish shipyard for France’s Louis Dreyfus Armateurs (LDA).

  • 21 September 2023
    Floating Wind, Jobs & Recruitment, Supply Chain, Training & Education

    The Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult has launched the first Fit 4 Offshore Renewables (F4OR) programme in Wales, specifically designed to support local companies bidding for work in the floating offshore wind industry. F4OR Wales programme will be delivered in phases starting in 2024, with an initial cohort of three companies. ORE Catapult is partnering […]

  • 15 January 2015
    Business & Finance

    EnBW has ordered another set of Pronomar’s suit dryers, after a successful cooperation with Pronomar in 2010 and 2013, when EnBW ordered drying systems for the Baltic 1 and 2 offshore wind farms. The wind energy developer has decided to order more drying equipment, this time for their service centre in Rostock. EnBW has ordered a […]

  • 29 July 2011

    On Saturday 9 April 2011, the first monopile for Walney 2 was installed, and less than three months later all 51 monopiles have been installed. On Sunday 2 July 2011 the last of the 51 monopiles for Walney 2 was successfully driven into the sea bed, and thus the basic foundation for the 51 turbines […]

  • 24 January 2018
    Environment, Grid Connection, Operations & Maintenance, R&D

    Offshore Marine Management (OMM) has cleared 5,000+ boulders from a 30km area in the German Baltic Sea, creating the pathway for an export cable to connect an offshore wind farm to the shore landing site.

  • 1 September 2022
    Business & Finance, Contribution, Wind Farm Update

    Several private, state and municipal organisations have formed a partnership, called Baltic Energy Island, on Bornholm with the goal of creating a global hub for green energy innovation, testing, and business development. The partnership includes the leading offshore wind developer Ørsted, wind turbine manufacturer Siemens Gamesa, the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Energinet, Bornholm’s Regional […]

  • 19 June 2018
    Ports & Logistics, Vessels

    Fred. Olsen Windcarrier’s jack-up vessel Brave Tern is ready to tackle the largest turbines currently in the market after completing a crane boom extension at Damen Shipyard in Amsterdam.

  • 10 April 2020
    Business & Finance

    PGE will close projects with unsatisfactory rate of return and especially those not directly related to its core business.

  • 25 June 2012
    Grid Connection, Wind Farm Update

    Following less than 18 months of intense construction work, Energinet.dk is now ready to transmit power from the coming offshore wind farm between Anholt and Grenaa to the power grid. On 20 June 2012, commissioning was completed with all system parts fully energised, and a relieved project team could confirm full connectivity from  the transformer […]

  • 19 September 2022
    Contracts & Tenders, Grid Connection

    Transmission system operator TenneT has selected Fugro Germany Land GmbH to carry out geophysical and geotechnical soil investigations at the BalWin1, BalWin2, and BalWin3 offshore platform locations in the German North Sea. The contract covers the execution of geophysical and geotechnical soil investigations in order to obtain subsoil information in accordance with the BSH Standards […]

  • 22 August 2014
    Business & Finance, Grid Connection

    50Hertz Transmission GmbH, a German transmission system operator, is looking for engineering services, onshore and offshore. 50Hertz Transmission GmbH is responsible for the grid connection of offshore wind farms in the German part of the Baltic Sea. As part of the investment project “Offshore Grid Connection Cluster West Adlergrund (CWA)”, 50Hertz requires the supervision of cable […]

  • 4 May 2018
    Grid Connection, Vessels, Wind Farm Update

    Heavy lift vessel Rambiz has installed the Kriegers Flak substation topsides in the Danish Baltic Sea, Energinet reports.

  • 27 August 2019
    Ports & Logistics, Wind Farm Update

    Sif Holding has entered into an agreement with DEME Offshore to use Maasvlakte 2 in the Netherlands for marshaling services for the Borssele 1 & 2 offshore wind project. The deal comes as Sif agreed with the Port of Rotterdam on the lease of an additional 20ha of industrial land, adjacent to the company’s existing operations at […]

  • 19 May 2016

    On Wednesday and Thursday this week, Hamburg has been the place to be if you want to hear about the latest technology behind the Mono Bucket foundation at the Universal Foundation Workshop 2016. Over 100 delegates representing over 50 companies involved in designing, building, buying and installing (and decommissioning) these offshore wind foundations gathered at […]

  • 24 August 2022
    Contracts & Tenders, Grid Connection

    Danish engineering company Ramboll and its Dutch counterpart Primo Marine have been awarded contracts for consultancy services on the subsea cable routes for the two energy islands planned to be established in Denmark. The contracts, valued at a total of EUR 828,362 and awarded by the transmission system operator Energinet, cover consultancy services regarding external […]

  • 1 June 2017
    Grid Connection, Wind Farm Update

    The UK-based Tekmar Energy has been awarded contracts to provide its Cable Protection System (CPS) units for two offshore wind farms in the UK, one wind farm in Germany, and one wind farm in China.

  • 6 June 2022
    Ports & Logistics

    Klaipeda State Seaport Authority and Klaipeda Sea Cargo Company (Klasco) have signed an investment agreement to develop the infrastructure at the Port of Klaipeda required to support the construction of the country’s planned 700 MW offshore wind farm. Under the agreement, the Port Authority will provide the infrastructure on the Smelte peninsula to enable the […]

  • 2 September 2022
    Contracts & Tenders, Grid Connection, Wind Farm Update

    Energinet has awarded RTE International and TransGrid Solutions with contracts for consultative engineering and construction services for the Baltic Sea Energy Island project in Denmark. The tender was issued for consultancy services regarding technical requirements to improve multi-vendor multi-terminal high-voltage direct current (HVDC) interoperability for the Baltic Sea Energy Island project. The tendered contract was […]

  • 6 March 2023
    Authorities, Environment

    The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) has opened a public consultation period to gather ideas for the environmental assessments of the plans for the country’s new offshore wind farms in the North and Baltic Seas. DEA is working on planning for the areas that were last year identified as suitable for the establishment of offshore wind […]

  • 9 October 2019
    Business & Finance

    Organizations from Ireland, Wales and Cornwall have signed a collaboration agreement to work together on progressing floating offshore wind projects in the Celtic Sea. The deal, signed by the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), Marine Energy Wales and Marine Renewables Industry Association Ireland (MRIA), includes the establishment of the Celtic Sea Alliance. According to the […]

  • 13 May 2012

    In the Swedish part of the Baltic Sea, in close vicinity of the city of Kårehamn, E.ON has ordered the construction of a wind farm consisting of 16 wind turbines. The contract for the design, construction and installation of the 16 foundations was awarded to Jan De Nul in 2011. These foundations are constructed on […]

  • 1 April 2022
    Authorities, Wind Farm Update

    On 31 March, the Lithuanian Parliament (Seimas) approved a package of laws for the development of offshore wind energy in the Baltic Sea and gave the green light to the country’s first offshore wind farm. The bill now adopted by the Seimas are amendments to the Laws on Renewable Energy and Electricity which set out […]

  • 2 February 2023

    Fugro has unveiled that its QuickVision camera technology is supporting Heerema Marine Contractors as they install 27 wind turbines for Parkwind’s Arcadist Ost 1 wind farm offshore Germany. Using a novel floating Rotor-Nacelle Assembly (RNA) installation method, the Dutch company is installing wind turbines with the blades already pre-assembled on deck, onto the tower fixed […]

  • 27 April 2021
    Contracts & Tenders

    Northland Power is preparing to bid in the ongoing offshore wind tender in Germany for the N-3.8, N-3.7, and O-1.3 offshore wind areas. Northland Power holds a step-in right for N-3.8, the former Nordsee 2 offshore wind farm area, which means it has pre-emption rights in the tender. To remind, the Canada-headquartered company is the […]

  • 29 August 2022
    Authorities, Grid Connection, Wind Farm Update

    Denmark will increase the planned offshore wind capacity at the Bornholm Energy Island from 2 GW to 3 GW and enable the transfer of electricity to the German grid, with two political agreements now in place to make that happen. The Danish government started exploring the possibility to raise the offshore wind capacity at its […]