5650 results found for 'Beacon Wind '

5650 results found for 'Beacon Wind '
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  • 21 December 2010

    Wind-energy projects are starting to pop up in New Hampshire, but people hoping to see off-shore wind farms are still treading water. And if coastal development ever does ever occur, it will come with a sizable price tag. Projects proposed in Massachusetts and Rhode Island are expected to cost billions of dollars to build, as […]

  • 26 July 2018

    By Gareth Ellery, Senior Engineer and Business Development Director, Cathie Associates Within the offshore wind industry, there has been a relentless and necessary drive towards cost reduction and commercialization of offshore wind. This cost reduction has been driven largely by the introduction of competition to the developers and operators of offshore wind farms through power […]

  • 1 June 2015

    Dutch offshore wind solutions provider Seawind has developed a novel 6.2MW two-bladed upwind turbine with a 126 metre rotor diameter, plus additional technology for bottom-fixed and floating installations together aimed at driving down the cost of energy decisively. Offshore WIND spoke with chief technical officer Silvestro Caruso about product design philosophy, dedicated technology features and […]

  • 6 September 2021

    Wind power continues to emerge as one of Germany’s key energy sources. Offshore turbines are being engineered for ever greater capacities, which presents new challenges for energy transmission in the turbines themselves and in the offshore wind farms. As well as the technical challenges, health and safety considerations are another important factor. Operators of offshore […]

  • 23 October 2014

    At a podium half-submerged in the Baltimore Harbor, public-interest leaders launched a broad-based campaign aimed at doubling Maryland’s clean energy goals for wind and solar power in the 2015 legislative session. Representatives from faith, health, social justice, student, business and environmental groups began Friday’s press conference standing up to their hips in water along Baltimore’s […]

  • 25 May 2015

    Events such as the EWEA OFFSHORE that took place in March, are providing excellent opportunities to hear all about the latest developments and challenges to overcome in the vibrant industry that is offshore wind. But reading and hearing is one thing… Experiencing the real thing is another. To give Offshore WIND and the articles we write as […]

  • 10 October 2016

    Brandt’s passion for the renewables business was evident before he started his career. In 1999, he decided to do his masters in wind farm development focusing on large-scale wind farms. Then after managing several wind technology servicing units he joined Deutsche Windtechnik in 2004 becoming director of the Management Board in 2007. Established around 15 […]

  • 28 March 2012
    Authorities, Business & Finance

    Dr Richard Yemm, inventor of the Pelamis wave energy device has been honoured for his outstanding contribution to the development of the marine renewables sector. The iconic red ‘sea-snake’ wave energy converter has gained international recognition since Dr Yemm founded Pelamis Wave Power in Edinburgh in 1998. First Minister Alex Salmond presented Dr Yemm, now […]

  • 15 September 2011

      A dearth of public information, complicated marine environments and even the corrosive effects of bubbles are among the challenges for companies trying to produce energy from river currents, tides and waves, but Sandia National Laboratories is working on solutions. Sandia is helping companies on the frontier of the coming marine hydrokinetics (MHK) industry navigate […]

  • 27 April 2012

    Leaders from the 23-government Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) and the United Nations (UN) Secretary-General’s Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) initiative today outlined specific commitments by participating countries and private sector leaders which will promote improved energy efficiency, renewable energy technologies, and increased energy access around the world. The commitments build on two years of work […]

  • 8 November 2012
    Business & Finance

    In fiscal 2012, Siemens achieved a seven percent gain in revenue and a strong profit. Income from continuing operations was €5.2 billion and thus in line with expectations. New orders declined ten percent year-over-year. “A strong fourth quarter enabled us to fulfill our expectations for fiscal 2012 and achieve one of our best years ever,” […]

  • 19 June 2013

    Currently most of the licences for offshore wind farm development zones are granted with a lease period of 20 to 25 years. As a consequence the turbines have to be built to last for at least that period. There are several elements that can affect the life span of a turbine once it is installed […]

  • 12 April 2012

    The team behind FaB Test, Cornwall’s pioneering marine energy test site in Falmouth, has welcomed the first wave device to be installed in its waters. Fred Olsen’s BOLT “Lifesaver” wave energy converter, which is ultimately capable of producing clean and efficient electricity, is now being tested in the sheltered waters off FalmouthBay, with easy access […]

  • 22 February 2013

    The new LeaderSHIP 2020 strategy to increase the competitiveness of European maritime technology was presented by Vice President of the European Commission responsible for enterprise and industry policy Antonio Tajani, together with SEA Europe, the European Ships and Maritime Equipment Association. The new strategy is the result of a close co-operation between the industry, the […]

  • 11 February 2014

    The offshore wind energy industry is growing and several European ports have prepared, or are preparing, to provide the necessary logistics and storage services and facilities related to different construction & installation, O&M, and production phases of this industry. The wind farms are getting larger and moving into deeper waters further offshore resulting in bigger […]

  • 10 June 2013
    Business & Finance

    Tidal Lagoon (Swansea Bay) Plc has announced the launch of a £2m local community share offer to give the people of Wales the opportunity to be early stage investors in the planning and design development phase of the Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon proposal. The £2m Community Share offer is part of the Company’s current fundraising […]

  • 14 August 2012
    Business & Finance

    HOCHTIEF generated profit before taxes of EUR 166.1 million in the second quarter of 2012 after incurring a loss in the first three months of the year. The HOCHTIEF Asia Pacific division returned to the black. The troubled Airport Link project, a toll road in Brisbane, was opened to traffic and handed over. The desalination […]

  • 16 November 2011
    Business & Finance

    HOCHTIEF’s operating business performed as planned in the third quarter of 2011: The Group is in the black, with profit before taxes of EUR 333.0 million and consolidated net profit of EUR 98.7 million. That means HOCHTIEF achieved turnaround in the operating business, although it has not yet fully made good the loss incurred in […]

  • 6 April 2015

    The threat of unexploded ordnance (UXO) in the marine environment never completely goes away. The types of munitions that might be encountered in the North Sea today consist of High Explosive (HE) bombs and sea mines, which are there not only as a result of military activities associated with both World Wars, but also extensive […]

  • 13 February 2014

    The announcement of the cancellation of the proposed Argyll Array on 11 th December last year, following on from similar news two weeks previously, concerning the Atlantic Array, in the Bristol Channel, both principally due to adverse ground conditions, has highlighted the critical importance of necessary, but ever-more cost effective, site investigation solutions for these […]

  • 5 September 2013

    Neil Kermode is speaking at the Orkney International Science Festival (OISF) this week, alongside representatives of wave and tidal developers. Hosted by Orkney Renewable Energy Forum, “10 Years of Wave and Tide” will celebrate the developments that have taken place throughout Orkney over the last decade, and look ahead to the challenges and opportunities that […]

  • 2 November 2012
    Business & Finance

    Fluor Corporation has announced financial results for its third quarter ended September 30, 2012. Net earnings attributable to Fluor for the third quarter were $145 million, or $0.86 per diluted share, compared with $135 million, or $0.78 per diluted share in the third quarter of 2011. Segment profit for the quarter was $278 million, which compared with […]

  • 2 August 2012

    Now recognised as one of the world’s leading wind developers and Independent Renewable Power Producers (IRPP), wpd group has a staff of about 700 people around the world. Founded in 1996, wpd has been one of the key players in the wind sector right from its very inception, wpd has constructed and financed more than […]

  • 17 June 2020

    By Jakub Vastmans, Senior Manager Service Product Management at NKT In case of a submarine cable fault, many components necessary for a repair can be obtained from external contractors (e.g. fault-finding equipment, jointer team, cable vessel). The cable operator can further reduce the associated risks by setting up Repair Preparedness Plans (RPPs) and Service Level […]

  • 29 February 2012

    HOCHTIEF, one of the leading international providers of construction-related services, releases 2011 Annual Report marked by negative nonrecurring items, but also by operational strength. Inherited issues put pressure on earnings thus a consolidated net loss of EUR 160 million is reported. However, order backlog and work done exceed levels of record year 2010. Estimations for […]

  • 4 June 2013

    Fred. Olsen United is one of those few players that plays a role in almost all aspects of the offshore wind industry and is able to offer a fully integrated turnkey solution. This diverse company has been active in the offshore wind industry since the early days and is now uniting capabilities to provide a single interface with the client. In 2007, installation […]