5633 results found for 'beacon wind'

5633 results found for 'beacon wind'
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  • 16 November 2011
    Business & Finance

    HOCHTIEF’s operating business performed as planned in the third quarter of 2011: The Group is in the black, with profit before taxes of EUR 333.0 million and consolidated net profit of EUR 98.7 million. That means HOCHTIEF achieved turnaround in the operating business, although it has not yet fully made good the loss incurred in […]

  • 6 April 2015

    The threat of unexploded ordnance (UXO) in the marine environment never completely goes away. The types of munitions that might be encountered in the North Sea today consist of High Explosive (HE) bombs and sea mines, which are there not only as a result of military activities associated with both World Wars, but also extensive […]

  • 13 February 2014

    The announcement of the cancellation of the proposed Argyll Array on 11 th December last year, following on from similar news two weeks previously, concerning the Atlantic Array, in the Bristol Channel, both principally due to adverse ground conditions, has highlighted the critical importance of necessary, but ever-more cost effective, site investigation solutions for these […]

  • 5 September 2013

    Neil Kermode is speaking at the Orkney International Science Festival (OISF) this week, alongside representatives of wave and tidal developers. Hosted by Orkney Renewable Energy Forum, “10 Years of Wave and Tide” will celebrate the developments that have taken place throughout Orkney over the last decade, and look ahead to the challenges and opportunities that […]

  • 2 November 2012
    Business & Finance

    Fluor Corporation has announced financial results for its third quarter ended September 30, 2012. Net earnings attributable to Fluor for the third quarter were $145 million, or $0.86 per diluted share, compared with $135 million, or $0.78 per diluted share in the third quarter of 2011. Segment profit for the quarter was $278 million, which compared with […]

  • 2 August 2012

    Now recognised as one of the world’s leading wind developers and Independent Renewable Power Producers (IRPP), wpd group has a staff of about 700 people around the world. Founded in 1996, wpd has been one of the key players in the wind sector right from its very inception, wpd has constructed and financed more than […]

  • 17 June 2020

    By Jakub Vastmans, Senior Manager Service Product Management at NKT In case of a submarine cable fault, many components necessary for a repair can be obtained from external contractors (e.g. fault-finding equipment, jointer team, cable vessel). The cable operator can further reduce the associated risks by setting up Repair Preparedness Plans (RPPs) and Service Level […]

  • 29 February 2012

    HOCHTIEF, one of the leading international providers of construction-related services, releases 2011 Annual Report marked by negative nonrecurring items, but also by operational strength. Inherited issues put pressure on earnings thus a consolidated net loss of EUR 160 million is reported. However, order backlog and work done exceed levels of record year 2010. Estimations for […]

  • 4 June 2013

    Fred. Olsen United is one of those few players that plays a role in almost all aspects of the offshore wind industry and is able to offer a fully integrated turnkey solution. This diverse company has been active in the offshore wind industry since the early days and is now uniting capabilities to provide a single interface with the client. In 2007, installation […]

  • 11 October 2012

    The bulk of the current plans for European offshore wind power are intended for construction in the relatively shallow North Sea. However, many European countries, including Portugal, do not border shallow seas. Their sea beds have steep descending slopes and much greater water depths not suited for current techniques. If a viable technique can be […]

  • 25 November 2011

    Ministers of the governments of Ireland, the UK, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey today called on the European Union to give its full backing to the development of the massive ocean energy resources that exist in these regions. The governments gave their support to a Member State Position Paper […]

  • 26 October 2012

    The Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) Board of Trustees voted yesterday to authorize staff to begin negotiating potential power purchase agreements (PPA) for new generating resources consistent with LIPA’s Electric Resource Energy Plan. The Trustees also authorized actions related to diversifying LIPA’s resource portfolio, including efforts and investments to improve energy efficiency through the Efficiency […]

  • 23 March 2012
    Authorities, Training & Education

    First Minister Alex Salmond today launched an industry-led energy skills academy, established with over £900,000 public funding, to deliver training for thousands of workers across key sectors including oil & gas and renewables. Nigg Skills Academy (NSA) has been built at Nigg Energy Park, which was purchased by Global Energy Group (GEG) in October. Highlands […]

  • 24 August 2010

    Since its introduction five years ago, the ULSTEIN X-BOW® concept has proven its added value to customers when it comes to enhanced performances in operations, fuel economy, comfort and safety. However, innovation is a continuous process within ULSTEIN, finding new combinations of potential markets, products and services that allow customers to expand their positions. “Innovation […]

  • 4 March 2013

    The ability of the Parat electrode boiler to manage fluctuations in renewable energy sources rapidly has brought swift uptake in Denmark since 2011. As the Norwegian company launches in Germany, Parat reflects on the promise its solution offers to efficiency in Europe’s smart electricity grids. Germany’s appetite for renewable energy dwarves other European states, accounting […]

  • 21 July 2014

    DanTysk Offshore Wind Farm is back on schedule – albeit a revised schedule – with more than half of its 80 wind turbines installed. Gunnar Groebler, Head of the Business Unit Renewables at Vattenfall’s Continental/UK regional organisation, reflects on progress and outlines the company’s view as to whether offshore wind will remain an important strategic […]

  • 12 November 2014

    The main interview in this edition covers Van Oord Offshore who has recently taken delivery of their new wind turbine installation vessel (WTIV) Aeolus. We now look at what three other companies operating these types of vessels are thinking about now and for in the future. Depending on your definition of a WTIV there are […]

  • 25 July 2011

    Best practices for creating wind developments in the Great Lakes region are identified in a report that’s been in the making for more than a year and was just released earlier this week. The Great Lakes Wind Collaborative (GLWC) — which is a public/private coalition of interests advancing sustainable wind energy development within the Great […]

  • 10 October 2012
    Authorities, Business & Finance

    A multi-million pound renewable energy investment fund (REIF), geared to stimulating greater levels of private finance into innovative green power and renewable district heating projects in Scotland, was opened for business by First Minister Alex Salmond today. As senior figures from green energy, finance and government gathered in Edinburgh for the Scottish Low Carbon Investment […]

  • 5 August 2013

    As Gamesa sees its prototype offshore wind turbine produce its first kilowatt hours in the next few weeks what are the Spanish company’s expectations for the offshore wind industry? Headquartered in Vizcaya, Spain and with its offshore wind base in London, Gamesa now employs 6,500 people world wide and it has a presence in more than 50 countries, along with manufacturing centres in Spain, China, India, […]

  • 2 September 2014
    Business & Finance, Operations & Maintenance

    As an alternative to fossil fuels, wind power is plentiful, renewable, clean and produces no greenhouse gas emissions during operation. The effects on the environment are generally less problematic than those from other power sources. In 2010, wind energy production was more than 2.5 percent of total worldwide electricity usage, and growing rapidly at more […]

  • 9 March 2015

    Being awarded the concession to develop three French offshore wind farms is not only a great opportunity for EDF Energies Nouvelles (EDF EN) to further expand its renewables portfolio but also a great opportunity for the country’s industrial sector and offshore wind knowledge base. Offshore WIND interviews Béatrice Buffon, EDF EN Deputy Chief Executive Officer, […]

  • 13 May 2013
    Business & Finance

    Against a backdrop of sustained cold weather and periods of higher commodity prices, Centrica has performed well in the year to date. This strong performance enables the business to continue to invest in customer service and price competitiveness and full year earnings growth is expected to be in line with market expectations. They have also […]

  • 21 November 2011

    Department of Energy and Climate Change Released following speech of Charles Hendry: Thank you for inviting me to your conference today. I’m delighted to have been given this opportunity to say a few words to this gathering of leading figures in Ireland’s energy sector. The energy challenge  I’d like to start by recognising Ireland’s strong […]

  • 8 October 2012

    On 27 September, Offshore WIND was present, along with other press and 250 industry representatives, at the official inauguration of the Large Climate Test Chamber which forms part of the Offshore Wind Infrastructure Application Lab (OWI-Lab), strategically located in a warehouse on the Churchill Dock in the port of Antwerp, Belgium. This public testing and […]

  • 24 January 2013

    The wind energy industry is continuing to expand worldwide with the industry ebbing and flowing as global governments decide policy on supporting renewable power and then reconsider the economics, causing delays in financing major projects. The industry is caught in the financial tide but is growing with offshore and new countries coming into the marketplace. […]